Epistemological Character of Sustainability and Value Creation: Study in the Western Amazon

Epistemological Character of Sustainability and Value Creation: Study in the Western Amazon

Jacira Lima da Graça, Flavio de São Pedro Filho, Maria José Aguilar Madeira, Antonio Vicente da Graça Filho, Marcelo Augusto Mendes Barbosa, Izabel Cristina da Silva
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7888-8.ch003
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In fragile environments, such as the Western Amazon, there is a latent concern related to solid waste, deserving emphasis from the conceptual point of view, where the origin of sustainability becomes the emergency that forces the behavior through recycling seeking the reduction and absence of residues. Epistemology has as its function, among others, to define what provides conditions for examining relations between facts and theories. The question is, What does conceptual aspect contribute to awareness and improvement to the relation of capital, labor, and society? Apply the Theory U as argumentation in this relation. The general and main objective of this chapter is to deal with the epistemological aspect of sustainability against the capital, labor, and society based on the Theory U. As a result, the conceptual aspect contributes to awareness and improvement of the relation of capital, labor, and society considering the discourses treated in fragile environments in the Western Amazon.
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Conceptual Theoretical Review

Conceptual aspects identified into capitalism contribute to sustainability epistemological awareness requiring a doctrine to satisfy the complexity regarding the subject. Apply the Theory U as a capital, labor and society relationship argumentation. That theory was proposed by Otto Scharmer and other Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers - who commune the learning and the organization changes -; explores the knowledge in phases, and serve to help other people, singly, or to teams to deeply act before of intention and performance proposal. So, the theory becomes a systematic guide to show the main valid interaction movements to advance the transformation that is transfigured in the letter U on its representative diagram.

Epistemology Concepts

Norris (2007) says to make Science it must openness and democracy of work so that can meet the knowledge complexities. There are the traditional epistemologies boundaries inside some sectors which keep knowledge dissemination. That author argues the Cartesianism that represents the holistic prism of the modern demands, and the versatility of the problems.

The fact finding done by Dias (2015) says the pillars and values of sustained development, what evidence the learning about organizational culture and its beliefs. Those supports guide the awareness on learning while redirect to sustainability requirements satisfaction. The author also states the education to sustainability development covers changing of the sustainability concept, now in the cross-disciplinary way, considering the context and using the available techniques to reflective and participative learning. That theoretical dimension results in decision making improvement, in a community plan, in a participative way, socially tolerant, with environmental responsibility, while adjust the work force and life quality.

Jacomossu and Demajorovic (2017) compile determinant elements in the organizational learning process that are elucidative before of structural features to sustainability. Those promote deep changes, and collaborative network to the actual mental models. This enables the development of learning competencies, useful to the challenge before of sustainability desired. So it has rigid and methodic characteristics in an epistemological environment because it pursuits the competencies and environmental responsibility development where the making decision capacity can be extended to a social community through the participation that generates a sustainable life.

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