Entering a Brave New World: Market Entry Assessments Into a Born Global Industry

Entering a Brave New World: Market Entry Assessments Into a Born Global Industry

Arild Aspelund, Øyvind Bjørgum, Erik Andreas Saether
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4303-0.ch006
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This chapter investigates key motivations, drivers, and barriers for firms that are seeking to enter new international supply chains for renewable energy. Offshore wind (OW) is a born global industry with a fully internationalized supply chain from inception. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach by first doing 11 case studies of Norwegian industrial companies entering OW and secondly by conducting an online survey targeting the whole population of Norwegian firms in OW. The study finds that new green industries' distinctive features, managerial motivation, and industry relatedness shape a firm's entry strategies and behavior. Risk and uncertainty, complexity and turbulence, high transaction costs and disadvantages of scale postpone industry entry from established actors. The study finds that environmental motivation tops the list of motivations for managers to enter, but financial motivation is the strongest of perceived market performance. Finally, the study finds that market relatedness is more critical than technological relatedness.
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Theoretical Background

As mentioned previously, if we are to fulfill the goals of the Paris Agreement and keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius, many of the current energy- and resource-demanding supply chains need to be replaced with more sustainable solutions (IPCC, 2019). One of the major culprits for CO2 emissions is the energy sector that accounts for approximately one third of global greenhouse gas emissions (Davis, Caldeira, & Matthews, 2010). It is very unlikely that it is possible to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement without an energy transition to renewables. However, this is challenging.

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