Enhancing Work-Life Balance in Remote Working via Good Health to Enhance Organizational Performance

Enhancing Work-Life Balance in Remote Working via Good Health to Enhance Organizational Performance

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1314-5.ch001
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Technology is advancing so quickly that it has completely changed the way we work, with remote work growing in popularity. While there are many advantages to working remotely, like flexibility and work-life balance, there are drawbacks as well, such a potential for blurring work and personal life boundaries. Improving worker health and well-being is essential to raising output and performance levels. Employees are more likely to have a pleasant work attitude and be more productive when they are well. Remote working can exacerbate existing health issues, such as stress, burnout, and musculoskeletal problems, due to prolonged sitting and lack of physical activity. Implementing strategies such as flexible work hours, clear communication, remote work policies, and employee support programs can play a crucial role in achieving a more productive and balanced work environment. This chapter comprehensively explores the various dimensions impact of teleworking and remote work on business and how to uplift the productivity, retention, and business advancement in this technological era.
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1. Introduction

Work-life balance has developed into a comprehensive idea that includes physical and mental health, general well-being, and the caliber of restorative sleep. It is no longer limited to simply dividing work and personal time. In order to better understand the complex relationships between employee well-being, sleep quality, and the resulting effects on organizational productivity, it explore the various facets of work-life balance in the context of remote work. Understanding how these components are interdependent is essential to developing methods that improve remote workers' lives while also making a major contribution to corporate performance (Blankson, 2017). This can have a detrimental impact on the quantity and quality of sleep, which might have a domino effect that hurts the individual as well as the company. Developing successful tactics that promote a positive work environment requires an understanding of how sleep patterns are impacted by remote work and, in turn, how this affects an individual's cognitive function and job performance (Rubin, 2022).

The paper explores the more general facets of worker health and wellbeing, acknowledging them as essential elements of the work-life balance. There are certain difficulties that come with working remotely, such as social isolation and the blending of work and personal life. An in-depth grasp of the variables affecting work-life balance may be obtained by looking at how these difficulties affect remote workers' general health and well-being (Singh, 2023).

1.1 Background of Study

The search for work-life balance has progressed beyond temporal division to a comprehensive comprehension that includes the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of wellbeing. Organizations are faced with the challenge of comprehending and resolving the complex interactions between work and life in the context of remote work as a result of their recognition of the need to adapt to this shifting environment. The success of such endeavors is contingent upon a nuanced comprehension of the factors influencing employee well-being and, by extension, organizational productivity (Darouei & Pluut, 2021).

Sound sleep, as a foundational element of well-being, emerges as a linchpin in the work-life balance equation. The transition to remote work often disrupts established routines and introduces new challenges to achieving a restful night's sleep. The implications of sleep quality on cognitive function, emotional resilience, and overall work performance are profound, necessitating a closer examination of sleep patterns in the remote work setting (Budhiraja & Kant, 2020). In the context of remote work, the larger picture of employee health and well-being becomes crucial. Mental health may be impacted by social isolation, a decrease in in-person connections, and being physically far from coworkers. The overall health of remote workers includes things like stress, job satisfaction, and a feeling of purpose in addition to the absence of disease. Employers who put employee well-being first understand the inextricable relationship between it and engagement, productivity, and, eventually, the success of the company as a whole.

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