Enhancing Support and Monitoring in Eating Disorders Through AI-Powered Chatbots and Neural Networks

Enhancing Support and Monitoring in Eating Disorders Through AI-Powered Chatbots and Neural Networks

C. V. Suresh Babu, P. Andrew Simon, S. Santhosh, S. M. Shameem Ahamed, J. Hari Haran
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3230-6.ch006
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In the field of foodtech and food monitoring applications, AI-powered chatbots have become indispensable instruments that improve monitoring and support procedures by fusing neural network (NN) and machine learning (ML) technology. By utilizing natural language processing (NLP) techniques, these chatbots optimize user experiences and operational efficiency by offering tailored suggestions, real-time help, and predictive analysis. Furthermore, chatbots can assess customer attitude and happiness thanks to machine learning (ML)-driven sentiment analysis, and fraud detection systems improve app security for meal delivery services. Chatbots can adjust to shifting consumer tastes and market trends thanks to continuous learning and development processes. Furthermore, user information security and confidentiality are guaranteed by compliance with data privacy laws. This study looks at how AI-powered chatbots might revolutionize the foodtech sector and promote sustainable consumption in the direction of more eco-friendly and productive products.
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