Enhancing SME Internationalization and Digitalization Through Candidate Elimination Algorithms: A Strategic Approach

Enhancing SME Internationalization and Digitalization Through Candidate Elimination Algorithms: A Strategic Approach

C. V. Suresh Babu, Barath Kumar S., Nithesh Kumar C., Dhineshwaren M., Abbas S.
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3518-5.ch006
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This chapter explores the potential of candidate elimination algorithms in facilitating the internationalization and digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By focusing on their application in real-time marketing on social media platforms, SMEs can gain valuable direction for optimizing their marketing campaigns. Leveraging advanced algorithms becomes imperative for SMEs to remain competitive in today's digital age. The chapter delves into the integration of candidate elimination algorithms into the overarching rule base governing marketing strategies. Through an in-depth analysis of existing literature and empirical studies, the efficacy of these algorithms in enhancing SME marketing performance and global expansion is evaluated. The research aims to provide SMEs with actionable insights on utilizing candidate elimination algorithms to improve their internationalization and digitalization endeavors, thereby contributing to the literature on SME transformation and digital marketing strategies.
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1. Introduction

The goal of this study is to see whether candidate elimination algorithms could help small, medium-sized businesses (SMEs) internationalize and digitize their operations. This study focuses on the method of applying such algorithms for real-time marketing in social media networks, giving SMEs direction in what they should do during their marketing campaign.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are critical components of today's global economy. However, numerous hurdles impede their smooth transition to digitization. To remain competitive in the digital age, SMEs must successfully use complex algorithms. Candidate elimination algorithms are well-known for their speed in decision-making processes, and they hold great promise for SMEs looking to streamline their internationalisation efforts (Xu, Q., et al 2024). This study focuses on incorporating candidate elimination algorithms into the larger rule base that governs diverse decision-making processes. Specifically, it investigates its use in real-time marketing on social media sites (Suresh Babu, C. V., Mahalashmi, et. al 2023). SMEs can use these algorithms to improve their social media marketing efforts, thereby achieving their overall digitization and internationalisation aims. The study's goal is to equip SMEs with insights on how to successfully use these algorithms to produce better results and stay competitive in today's dynamic business world.

1.1 Scope and Methodology

This research project seeks to explore thoroughly into candidate elimination methods and their application in the context of SME internationalisation and digitization. It will conduct a thorough assessment of the existing literature, including candidate elimination algorithms, SME internationalisation plans, digital marketing methodologies, and social media platform optimisation techniques. This holistic approach ensures a thorough understanding of the issue by combining insights from several fields. Also, the research will advance from theory exploration to practical inquiry. Furthermore, it will evaluate the efficiency of integrating candidate elimination algorithms into real-time marketing efforts on social media networks through the use of case studies, surveys and demanding data analytics (Hervé, A., et al., 2020). This stage of actual data collection is important because it helps us gather real-life examples on how algorithms operate within small and medium sized enterprises. For a firm grounding in the results, a methodology will go for an equal mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative techniques will enable an in-depth appreciation of the root causes and situational constraints that promote the uptake of candidate elimination algorithms in SMEs. Conversely, quantitative methods will give statistical verifications and quantify the empirical trends and results, leading to an exhaustive comprehension of the research topic. This paper seeks to help small businesses attract more customers through the internet by looking at what previous studies have said and doing research.

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