Enhancing Smart City Resilience: Integrating Cloud Computing and 5G for Secure and Sustainable Urban Environments

Enhancing Smart City Resilience: Integrating Cloud Computing and 5G for Secure and Sustainable Urban Environments

Richa Pandey, Ishwari Singh Rajput, Sonam Tyagi, Manisha Koranga, Praveen Kumar Sharma
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2373-1.ch005
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Cloud computing for secure smart cities beyond 5G represents a cutting-edge approach to urban development and technology integration. It involves leveraging advanced cloud computing infrastructure and 5G connectivity to create highly secure, efficient, and interconnected smart city systems. In this context, cloud computing enables the centralized management of data and services, facilitating real-time analytics, resource optimization, and the seamless operation of various IoT devices and sensors throughout the city. The integration of 5G technology further enhances data transmission speed and capacity, ensuring rapid, reliable communication between devices and cloud resources. By prioritizing security, this approach safeguards sensitive data and ensures that smart city services operate within robust cybersecurity frameworks.
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In the realm of information technology, cloud computing represents a groundbreaking paradigm shift that has fundamentally altered the way individuals and institutions acquire and utilize computing resources. Cloud computing is essentially the internet-based distribution of different computer services, such as networking, processing power, storage, and software. Utilizing a shared pool of remotely hosted resources, users can perform computer tasks without depending on personal devices or local servers.

Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure, fostering innovation, collaboration, and agility. It has empowered businesses of all sizes to focus on their core competencies while outsourcing the complexities of managing and maintaining hardware and software infrastructure to cloud service providers. This shift has had a profound impact on industries, enabling digital transformation and the rapid development of new technologies and services.

Cloud computing assumes a central role in the realm of smart cities, playing a crucial part in the creation, execution, and enhancement of various smart city applications. The interconnection between cloud computing and smart city initiatives is manifested in several ways:

Data Storage and Processing

  • i.

    Data Centralization: Smart cities generate vast amounts of data from sensors, devices, and other sources. Cloud computing allows for centralized storage, making it easier to manage and analyze diverse datasets.

  • ii.

    Scalable Processing: The scalable nature of cloud computing enables efficient processing of large volumes of data, facilitating real-time analytics and insights for smart city decision-making.

Smart City Infrastructure

  • i.

    Resource Sharing: Cloud infrastructure supports the sharing of computing resources among various smart city applications. This resource pooling enhances efficiency and reduces infrastructure costs.

  • ii.

    Flexibility and Adaptability: Cloud services provide the flexibility needed to adapt to changing requirements, allowing smart city planners to scale resources based on demand.

Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity

  • i.

    IoT Integration: Cloud computing acts as a backbone for IoT devices in smart cities, providing a platform for the seamless integration of sensors, actuators, and other IoT components.

  • ii.

    Data Processing at the Edge: Cloud services often work in conjunction with edge computing to process and analyze data closer to the source (at the edge of the network), reducing latency and enhancing responsiveness.

Smart City Applications

  • i.

    Urban Mobility: Cloud-based solutions support intelligent transportation systems, traffic management, and real-time monitoring of public transit, contributing to optimized urban mobility.

  • ii.

    Public Safety: Cloud computing facilitates video analytics, predictive policing, and emergency response systems, enhancing public safety and security.

  • iii.

    Energy Management: Cloud platforms enable smart grids and energy management systems, promoting efficient energy distribution and consumption.

Collaboration and Interoperability

  • i.

    Interconnected Systems: Cloud services foster collaboration and interoperability among different smart city components and applications. This interconnectedness enhances the overall functionality and effectiveness of the smart city ecosystem.

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