Enhancing Password Security With Machine Learning-Based Strength Assessment Techniques

Enhancing Password Security With Machine Learning-Based Strength Assessment Techniques

S. Vanila, Beaulah Jeyavathana, A. Rathinam, K. Elango
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4159-9.ch018
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This chapter presents a comprehensive evaluation of various machine learning models for password strength assessment. The decision tree, random forest, and AdaBoost models emerge as standout performers, boasting a robust accuracy rate of 84%. Their ability to effectively classify passwords into strength categories demonstrates their value in real-world applications. K-Nearest neighbors, though slightly lower in accuracy, offers a compelling alternative with faster training times and efficient performance. In contrast, Naive Bayes and support vector machine models exhibit limitations, struggling to effectively classify passwords, particularly those of 'medium' strength, despite their speedy training processes. These results underscore the significance of selecting the right machine learning model for password strength assessment, considering factors such as accuracy, training time, and efficiency. In a digital landscape where password security remains paramount, the study's insights provide valuable guidance for enhancing cybersecurity and safeguarding sensitive information.
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In an era dominated by digital interconnectedness, the security of sensitive information has never been more critical. Ensuring the protection of personal and organizational data hinges on the strength of passwords—those digital keys that serve as the initial line of defence against potential security breaches. Passwords, being ubiquitous in today's digital landscape, have prompted a relentless battle between those seeking to safeguard their accounts and the ever-evolving tactics of malicious actors. The foundation of this battle is rooted in the concept of password strength. A strong password is an essential aspect of digital security, as it presents a formidable barrier against unauthorized access. Conversely, weak, or easily guessable passwords can expose individuals and organizations to the vulnerabilities of cyber threats.

In this context, machine learning techniques have emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing password security. The ability of machine learning models to analyse patterns, discern anomalies, and make data-driven predictions holds promise for improving the robustness of password systems. By implementing machine learning-based strength assessment techniques, we gain an opportunity to bolster digital security on a broad scale. This chapter delves into the importance of enhancing password security through the utilization of machine learning-based strength assessment techniques. We will explore the methods and strategies employed in this endeavour, focusing on algorithms like Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), AdaBoost, Decision Trees, and Random Forest. Through these techniques, we aim to not only evaluate password strength but also to understand their potential for real-world application. In a digital landscape where the stakes are higher than ever, the quest for a more secure future begins with an exploration of how machine learning can fortify the very first line of defence: the password.

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