Enhancing Organisational Intelligence Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management: Frameworks in India

Enhancing Organisational Intelligence Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management: Frameworks in India

Deepa Sharma, Chauhan, Vinod Kumar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9576-6.ch008
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Knowledge is recognized as a central component for an organisation to remain competitive. In this current phase, the blend of artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge management (KM) frameworks can upgrade and improve organizational success. The role of knowledge management (KM) frameworks has evolved because of fast changing environment technology and continuously upgrading technology. AI combining KM can become that thriving component for organizations to be more progressive. Application of AI can be used in different forms of KM, like creation, storage, share and usage of knowledge. Different forms of AI technologies such as expert systems, intelligent search, chatbots, Robotics process automation, machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), can help to process large data and extract valuable information. AI-enabled KM systems in organisations can bring transformation through improved organisation learning, better decision-making based on data analysis, upgraded technology and innovation, and can provide aid to be more informed, intelligent, and adaptable to respond quickly with unpredictable corporate settings. If a business were to leverage the power of AI in organisation systems in India, they can gain competitive advantage, improve their innovation and agility in today's fast changing scenario. However, there are challenges in integrating AI and KM frameworks, such as data privacy and ethical concerns. This study explores the integration of KM frameworks and AI to increase organisation effectiveness also it examines how technologies of AI can help with creation of knowledge, its storage, knowledge sharing and application of knowledge. Though, it is also significant to consider challenges of using AI in KM frameworks, like data privacy and ethical concerns are particularly important, so that organization's sensitive information should not be compromised and can use AI technologies in transparent, accountable, and ethical manner.
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In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve their performance, maintain competitiveness, and overcome complex challenges. The approach which has gained significant attention is the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge management (KM) frameworks to enhance or to maximize organizational intelligence Haleem et al (2022). This study focuses on how AI and KM frameworks can be united to improve organizational intelligence in India.

Organizational intelligence is an organization's capacity to acquire, process, and apply knowledge effectively in order to achieve its goals Kucharsk and Bedford (2023). AI, with its ability to simulate human intelligence and automate tasks, has emerged as a game-changing technology with vast potential in various industries. The evolving scenario, needs organizations to efficiently organize education among humans and artificial assistants (e.g., Berente et al., 2021; Young et al., 2021). (AI) has the power to greatly benefit Indian organizations in various industries. For example, AI can automate repetitive tasks, making things more efficient and freeing up employees to focus on important work. It can also improve customer experiences by using chatbots and virtual assistants to provide personalized help and recommendations. AI can analyze large amounts of data to find valuable insights, helping organizations make better decisions. Additionally, it can detect and prevent fraud in digital transactions, predict equipment failures to optimize maintenance, and revolutionize healthcare with improved diagnostics and access to services. Sutton and Barto, (2018) AI has the ability to optimize the network of supply chains, costs reduction, and also to boost the process of talent acquisition. Zalte (2023) supports the fact that artificial Intelligence (AI) has the power to bring great benefits to organizations in different industries. AI can benefit the organisation in so many ways and few of the are as follows:

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