Enhancing Industrial Robotics Performance and Security With AI and Blockchain Technologies

Enhancing Industrial Robotics Performance and Security With AI and Blockchain Technologies

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0659-8.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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Industrial robotics are becoming more widely used, but their performance and security must be urgently enhanced to satisfy the needs of contemporary industrial contexts. This chapter focuses on how AI and blockchain technology might improve industrial robotic systems' performance while guaranteeing strong security precautions. The capabilities of industrial robots are greatly enhanced by AI technologies. Robots may improve their performance, gain new abilities, and adapt to changing circumstances by utilising cutting-edge machine learning techniques. Robots may learn from their experiences thanks to the incorporation of AI, which improves their operational effectiveness, precision, and decision-making abilities. AI enables robots to optimise their performance, spot anomalies, and proactively resolve potential difficulties, resulting in increased production and less downtime. This is done through real-time data analysis and predictive analytics. Incorporating blockchain technology also provides an industrial robotics system with a safe and open framework.
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Emergence Of Blockchain Technology In Industrial Robotics

Blockchain technology is examined to promote operational efficiency in industrial robots systems by facilitating transparent and auditable transactions, facilitating cooperation without relying on trust, and facilitating data integrity and security. The technology enables producers to check the quality and maintenance history of robotic systems, optimise logistics and inventory management, and secure the validity and traceability of raw materials and componentry. Blockchain is known as a distributed ledger technology for its secure and openly record transactions. It is therefore a potential technique for boosting the security of systems for industrial robots. Blockchain can be utilised, for instance:

Track the origin of robotics parts: This can assist in preventing the use of fake components in industrial robots, which could result in safety risks.

Note every interaction with a robot: The technology can assist in locating and looking into security events, such as assaults using malicious software.

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