Enhancing Digital Twins With Wireless Sensor Networks: An In-Depth Exploration

Enhancing Digital Twins With Wireless Sensor Networks: An In-Depth Exploration

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1818-8.ch009
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This chapter explores the integration of digital twin technology (DTT) and artificial intelligence (AI) in advancing underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN). The problem statement revolves around the challenges faced by UWSN in terms of data quality, real-time decision-making, and energy efficiency. Traditional UWSN systems lack the ability to adapt swiftly to changing underwater conditions and ensure reliable data transmission. This study addresses these challenges by proposing a novel approach that leverages DTT and AI for enhanced UWSN performance. Its methodology involves the design and implementation of a DTT-AI-based UWSN framework. DTT replicates the physical underwater environment, providing a virtual representation that continuously updates in real-time. AI algorithms process data from UWSN sensors within this digital twin, enabling intelligent decision-making and predictive analytics.
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1. Need Of Artificial Intelligence In Uwsn With Digital Twin Technology

The integration of Digital Twin Technology (DTT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the domain of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) arises from a compelling necessity driven by the unique characteristics of underwater environments is depicted in figure 1. UWSN plays a central and irreplaceable role in a multitude of domains, ranging from marine research to environmental monitoring and offshore energy exploration Aly A. (2022). However, these underwater settings are fraught with intricacies, marked by their inherent unpredictability, challenging accessibility, and the imperative for utmost precision in data collection. Traditional UWSN systems, commendable as they are, find themselves confronted by multifaceted challenges, notably encompassing data quality, the need for instantaneous real-time decision-making, and the relentless quest for energy efficiency, a pressing concern given the resource-constrained nature of underwater operations. The indispensability of DTT and AI in the context of UWSN comes to the forefront due to their all-encompassing capacity to address these multifaceted challenges. At the crux of this integration, DTT takes center stage by crafting virtual replicas of underwater environments, thereby providing a real-time, digital mirror of the physical world beneath the ocean’s surface. This digital twin acts as an ever-vigilant guardian, facilitating continuous monitoring and in-depth analysis of underwater conditions. AI, working in tandem with DTT, processes the voluminous data generated by UWSN sensors within this digital realm. This powerful partnership bestows the capacity for intelligent, data-driven decision-making. AI algorithms stand ready to predict impending environmental changes, finely optimize data transmission, and deftly identify anomalies, all accomplished in real time. The resulting implications are nothing short of transformational, with notable enhancements in data accuracy, judicious energy consumption, and the unparalleled adaptability of UWSN to the capricious nature of underwater conditions. In essence, this integration fundamentally enhances the performance of UWSN.

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