Enhancing Artistic Learning Through Gamification: A Case Study in an Archaeology Museum Visit

Enhancing Artistic Learning Through Gamification: A Case Study in an Archaeology Museum Visit

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0716-8.ch006
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This research collects the results of the gamified didactic proposal of a visit to the archaeological museum of Almería based on the teaching methodology of gamification. The study was carried out with students of the Master's degree in teacher training with the aim of enhancing artistic learning and promoting a museum visit experience completely different from the traditional ones. The proposed methodology focused on the use of gamification elements such as points, achievements, rewards, status, among others, with the aim of increasing the motivation of students and thus developing their artistic potential. During the visit, different challenges were posed such as drawing different points and works of the museum allowing them to explore and discover different historical periods as well as solve different enigmas through their own drawings. The results obtained from the experience showed a high level of satisfaction and motivation, highlighting the significant increase in their creativity and artistic development after the visit.
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Gamification, understood as the implementation of game design elements and techniques in non-game contexts, has emerged as an innovative pedagogical strategy in various educational settings.

In the current educational context, student motivation and engagement have become the great challenges (Lee & Hammer, 2011), including art education, heritage education, and university teaching (Oliva, 2016; Quintana & Jurado, 2019; Lozada & Betancur, 2017), stimulating and showing interest for students to develop their competencies (Fernández et al., 2016).

This didactic methodology has proven to be an effective tool for learning (Werbach et al., 2012; Flores, 2015) basing its success on the video game industry, the impact of social networks, and decades of research in human psychology. Applying gamification to the educational context allows it to be applied in various tasks, concepts, or learning situations focused on multiple contexts, as expressed by Sailer et al. (2013) where the desired objective can be achieved by applying the corresponding rules, the scoring system and therefore, achieving feedback of the learning evolution as well as an increase in participation.

Furthermore, the application of this didactic methodology has proven to be an innovative and effective strategy by improving students' motivation, increasing their engagement and enhancing their learning (Deterding et al., 2011) since it benefits from game elements that are familiar and generate a trust mechanism to students, facilitating its application to educational environments (Werbach et al., 2012).

These elements, such as rewards, points, levels, and challenges (Sailer et al., 2013) generate numerous benefits such as comprehensive learning experiences, stimulation of healthy competition, and self-improvement.

Alsawaier (2018), demonstrates how gamification can transform students' attitudes towards learning by using fun as a tool for change, and as reflected by Ahmad et al., (2020), its impact is not only limited to early-level education, but has also been shown to be effective at higher education levels.

The study was carried out in the course of Complementos Formativos del Dibujo, Imagen y Artes Plásticas of the University of Almería, within the postgraduate program of the Master in Teaching of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching. This master's degree provides the pedagogical and didactic training necessary to qualify teachers in the teaching of Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching. Within this subject, contemporary issues in the field of Drawing, Image, and Fine Arts are addressed, highlighting their valuable contributions to education. In addition, the integration of these disciplines in the curricula of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate is examined, highlighting their relevance in academic training. The focus is also directed towards local environments and relevant situations that enrich the teaching of Drawing, Image, and Fine Arts, deepening their understanding and application in a sociocultural context. Therefore, it was considered relevant to introduce a gamification approach in the field of art for this subject, thus bringing added value to the students' educational experience.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Self-Confidence: Personal security in being able to perform a certain action, such as communicating an idea or knowledge in public, reflecting integrity and fluid capacity to transmit knowledge.

Extrinsic Motivation: In education, stimulus generated by the teacher or by external rewards that cause an increase in interest in learning and greater commitment to the educational activity proposed.

Gamification: Pedagogical methodology that integrates game mechanics and elements in order to increase motivation and participation by involving students in the learning process.

Intrinsic Motivation: In education, an internal personal impulse that incites students to participate in activities, generating interest in learning.

Extracurricular Activity: Pedagogical experience that takes place outside the classroom, usually within school hours, and that takes advantage of external resources such as museums, temporary exhibitions or similar to relate academic content with everyday life.

Innovative Teaching Methodology: Innovative pedagogical strategy that aims to improve the learning process and increase student motivation.

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