Enhancing 2D Logistic Chaotic Map for Gray Image Encryption

Enhancing 2D Logistic Chaotic Map for Gray Image Encryption

Dena Abu Laila, Qais Al-Na'amneh, Mohammad Aljaidi, Ahmad Nawaf Nasayreh, Hasan Gharaibeh, Rabia Al Mamlook, Mohammed Alshammari
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2691-6.ch010
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Cryptography has demonstrated its utility and efficacy in safeguarding confidential data. Among the most potent algorithms for encrypting images is chaos theory, owing to its numerous noteworthy attributes, including high sensitivity to initial conditions and parameters, unpredictability, and nonlinearity. This study employed a two-dimensional logistic chaotic map to encrypt the data. The map utilizes permutation-substitution in the image to ensure both confusion and diffusion, thereby establishing a secure cipher. As measured by UACI and NPCR, this method enables immovability against differential attacks. The assessment of cipher image quality in the USC-SIPI image database involves the utilization of information entropy tests, key space, key sensitivity, APCC, UACI, and NPCR assessments, as determined by experimental findings on test images.
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1. Introduction

With the advancement of computer and Internet technology, anyone now has access to a variety of multimedia. To uphold the security of the transmission process and prevent the transfer of sensitive information over a public channel, the image information must be encrypted (Farhan, 2017). When seeking methods to encrypt images, the most practical approach is to convert the digital image into a binary stream before applying data encryption techniques to encrypt it. Image encryption may therefore not be compatible with traditional digital data encryption algorithms. As a consequence, numerous image encryption methods have been developed, each of which considers the image's characteristics. Nearly all of the algorithms are P-Fibonacci-based wave algorithms (Zhou, 2012), Transformation-based algorithms (Liao, 2010) cryptography-based (Tahmasbi, (2022, Novembe) (Zhu, 2019), (Li, 2023) (Jaradat, 2023, November).; Mughaid, 2023)and Chaos-based algorithms (Hua, 2018).

An extensive array of image encryption methods, such as those found in DNA coding, quantum theory, and chaotic cryptography, have been proposed by scholars as potential resolutions to security concerns (Zhang, 2019). Chaotic cryptography is more suitable for special property-based cryptography. An interdisciplinary domain, it concerns the integration of chaos theory and cryptography (Jain, 2016) . One-dimensional (1D) and high-dimensional (HD) chaotic maps are the two classifications applicable to the current state of chaotic atlas. Chebyshev, Sine, and Logistic maps are forms of 1D chaotic maps that are described in (Saini, 2014) (Wu, 2012). These references present chaotic maps in one dimension, which consists of the Chebyshev, Sine, and Logistic maps. One potential drawback of 1D chaotic maps is their basic architecture and limited number of parameters, which necessitates the collection of a small amount of data. Furthermore, the chaotic orbits, parameters, and initial values of these maps can be predicted. The limited adoption of 1D chaotic maps in the security industry is the consequence. In the realm of image encryption, these techniques have had little application. However, robust encryption methods can be created when they are utilized in a hybrid fashion and are backed by two-dimensional chaotic maps (L. Z. Pen). The proposed algorithm, a 2D logistic chaotic map, achieves remarkable outcomes and assumes a critical role in this research compared to other algorithms due to its utilization of an initial plain image before pixel order modification. Deterministic and discrete chaotic behavior are both incorporated into image security. In image security, the reversibility of chaos implemented on image data is the most essential and desired properties. Chaotic cryptography has been primarily influenced by the following attributes: sensitivity to initial conditions (xi, yi) and system parameters (r); mixing properties; and nonlinear dynamical systems.

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