Engineering Approaches in Pharmaceutical Research

Engineering Approaches in Pharmaceutical Research

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2897-2.ch010
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Pharmaceutical research thrives on the synergy between engineering and science, revolutionizing drug discovery, development, and manufacturing. This chapter delves into pivotal methodologies, technologies, and applications shaping this symbiotic relationship. Molecular modeling and computational chemistry steer rational drug design, while high-throughput screening expedites lead compound identification. Bioprocess engineering fine-tunes biologics manufacturing, and nanotechnology introduces groundbreaking drug delivery systems. Continuous manufacturing heightens efficiency, and quality by design and process analytical technology ensure regulatory compliance and product excellence. Smart drug delivery systems revolutionize therapeutic release control. Ethical and regulatory considerations underscore the paramount importance of patient safety and public trust. Looking ahead, collaborative interdisciplinary endeavors will propel pharmaceutical engineering, addressing emerging challenges and elevating patient outcomes.
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Introduction To Engineering In Pharmaceutical Research

Pharmaceutical engineering is a specialized branch of engineering encompassing the discovery, formulation, and manufacturing of medications, along with analytical and quality control processes. It also involves the design, construction, and improvement of manufacturing sites dedicated to drug production. This interdisciplinary field draws knowledge from chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical sciences, and industrial engineering. A long history exists of using natural resources, particularly plants, as medicinal agents. However, a significant turning point occurred in the late 19th century when technological advancements in chemical companies were combined with medical research. This synergy allowed new medications to be engineered, innovative drug delivery techniques to be developed, and methods for mass production to be established (Prausnitz, M. R et al. (2004)). Synthetic medication engineering is exemplified by Paul Erlich, who manipulated the chemical structure of Atoxyl to create Salvarsan, an effective treatment for syphilis. This marked the beginning of engineered medications designed for targeted therapeutic effects with minimal harm to human health. The identification of penicillin as a potent antibacterial agent, resulting from Alexander Fleming's discovery of Penicillium chrysogenum in 1928, led to collaborative efforts between the United Kingdom and the United States during World War II. The aim was to mass-produce penicillin, saving countless lives. Pfizer's development of a deep-fermentation process in 1944 enabled large-scale production of penicillin.

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