Engaging Audiences: Leveraging Social Media for Sustainable Brand Narratives

Engaging Audiences: Leveraging Social Media for Sustainable Brand Narratives

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3326-6.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter investigates the dynamic realm of sustainable branding on social media, specifically focusing on the convergence of corporate communication, consumer engagement, and environmental accountability. By utilizing conceptual frameworks derived from marketing, communication, and sustainability studies, this study assesses the efficacy of sustainability communication on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Using case studies and empirical research, it discerns optimal strategies for brands to convey their sustainability endeavours effectively, surmount consumer doubt, and instigate constructive transformations. The study results provide practitioners with valuable insights into how social media influences consumer perceptions of sustainable brands, thereby enhancing the collective comprehension of this phenomenon.
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Compelling Storytelling Narratives for Sustainable Branding



The background section emphasizes the subject matter's significance and relevance. It offers a concise overview of the current body of knowledge, emergent trends, and obstacles associated with the sustainable branding of social media. This encompasses examining the increasing importance of sustainability in corporate operations, the burgeoning prominence of social media as a critical communication tool, and the increasing expectations of consumers for environmentally conscious and transparent brands.

The conceptual framework establishes the groundwork for the discourse on the theories and principles governing sustainable branding investigation on social media platforms. It integrates perspectives from communication studies, environmental psychology, marketing, and corporate social responsibility.

The theoretical framework systematically analyses the subject matter, building upon the conceptual framework. It encompasses specific theories, including stakeholder theory, social identity theory, diffusion of innovation theory, and persuasion theory, which elucidate the impact of sustainability messaging on consumer behavior and brand perception on social media.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sustainable Branding: Establishing a brand identity and reputation that emphasizes environmental, social, and economic responsibility, aligning with sustainability principles and ethical practices.

Social media: Online platforms allow users to create, share, and interact with content, fostering connections and communication among individuals, groups, and organizations.

Digital Marketing: Promoting products, services, or brands through digital channels such as websites, social media, email, and search engines, leveraging technology to reach and engage with target audiences.

Sustainability Messaging: Communicating initiatives, practices, or values related to environmental, social, or economic sustainability, aiming to raise awareness, inspire action, and foster positive change.

Audience Engagement: Connecting with and involving a target audience through various channels, fostering interaction, participation, and relationship-building.

Brand Communication: The strategic dissemination of messages and information by a brand to its audience, aiming to convey values, build relationships, and influence perceptions.

Storytelling Narratives: Crafting compelling and relatable stories to convey messages, evoke emotions, and captivate audiences, often used in marketing to enhance brand identity and communication.

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