End User Perspective

End User Perspective

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8989-2.ch009
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Chapter 9 covers a qualitative study conducted by Dr. Sterling K. Carter in 2019. The study takes an in-depth study of EHR interoperability from the end user perspective. Ten healthcare professionals from different nations with years of experience working with EHR systems participated in the study. The participants worked in different healthcare fields that utilize EHR systems daily. The participants either use EHR systems or lead teams who use EHR systems. The finding of the study creates a common theme among the participants although they different nations. Towards the end of the chapter, the research highlights other facts that support the need for a multinational interoperable EHR system; facts that are disturbing but must be addressed.
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Participant Demographics

The participants' demographics vary and are not solely from the practitioner or healthcare provider areas of EHR usage. The participants' demographics also change because the information-sharing interoperability of EHR systems is a significant shift in healthcare workflow, involving many stakeholders, each with its concerns and needs. The inclusivity of various professions in the healthcare EHR space allowed the researcher to gain perspective from differing and, at times, conflicting points of view. Each group contributes to the validity, broad content, and systemic needs of information-sharing interoperability of EHR systems.

Table 1.
Participant demographics
PM1MaleClinical Counselor (Canada)
PM2MaleC-Level International Healthcare Leader (USA)
PM3MaleC-Level Telehealth Provider (Canada)-
PM4MaleInternational Healthcare Consultant. (Eastern Europe)-
PM5MaleHealthcare Consultant Global Experience (Nigeria)
PF1FemaleHealthcare Practice Owner Global Experience (USA)
PF2FemaleNurse – International Experience (USA)
PF3FemaleGlobal Healthcare Services (Canada) -
PF4FemaleGlobal Cancer Treatment (Canada)
PF5FemaleMedical Doctor (Venezuela)

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