Enabling Federated Identity for E-Government

Enabling Federated Identity for E-Government

Tanya Candia, Paul Madsen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-947-2.ch205
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Today’s administrative and business environment calls for information sharing on an unprecedented scale, from government to business to citizen. Sharing and interoperating among agencies, businesses, and governments around the world create opportunities to simplify processes and unify work, as well as improve the overall performance of government. Secure interoperability, based on identity management solutions, enables substantial cost savings, streamlined processes and faster communication of vital information to the benefit of governments and citizens of all nations. At the core of this revolution is the concept of federated identity management and the need for standards that are open, interoperable and decentralized. In addition, such standards must allow for privacy safeguard across all sectors. The Liberty Alliance Project (Liberty Alliance, n.d.) was established to address this need and tackle the twin issues of standards and trust.

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