Empowering the Future of Smart Grids: Unveiling the Role of Electric Vehicles in V2G Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure

Empowering the Future of Smart Grids: Unveiling the Role of Electric Vehicles in V2G Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure

Aanal Sanjivbhai Raval, Arpita Pareshkumar Maheriya, Shailesh Panchal, Komal Borisagar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2611-4.ch011
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The mission of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) within the context of a smart grid involves leveraging electric vehicles not only as modes of transportation but also as integral components of the energy ecosystem. V2G aims to establish a bidirectional energy flow between EVs and the grid, enabling these vehicles to not only draw power for charging but also feed excess stored energy back into the grid when required. This facilitates demand response, aids in grid stability by balancing supply and demand, promotes the integration of renewable energy sources, and supports grid resilience during peak demand or emergencies. Ultimately, the mission of V2G within the smart grid framework is to enhance grid reliability, optimize energy usage, and reduce environmental impact by maximizing the potential of electric vehicles as both consumers and providers of electricity. This chapter acts as a reference and guide for the forthcoming technological development and commercialization of electric vehicles (EVs), providing insights and recommendations for the future of smart grid transportation.
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1. Introduction

Growing concerns regarding fossil fuel consumption and environmental protection have propelled electric vehicles (EVs) to emerge as viable alternatives to traditional fossil-fuel vehicles. As a consequence, in recent years, there has been a global emphasis on advancing transportation electrification. As electric vehicles (EVs) remain stationary, their batteries can offer power to other electrical loads (V2X). Consequently, as the number of EVs surges and with an increase in the power grid's load, the Electric Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) mode gains attention among researchers. Presently, the primary focus areas revolve around physical connectivity, charging/discharging techniques, and energy management strategies in this domain. A comprehensive analysis of the current knowledge base surrounding the prospective convergence of electric vehicles (EVs) with smart grids reveals intricate challenges facing electric grid infrastructure, communication, and control. The envisioned alignment between the growing presence of EVs and the overarching goals of smart grids necessitates a thorough exploration. The proposed integration of EVs into the grid relies on advanced research in smart metering and communication systems. Furthermore, within the domain of the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) paradigm, a meticulous examination is undertaken regarding the potentials, advantages, and limitations associated with various EV smart-charging systems.

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are positioned as a key element in achieving carbon neutrality and zero carbon emissions, garnering significant attention for their transformative potential. However, the challenges associated with EV energy supplementation have not received sufficient investigation, leading to concerns about issues such as range anxiety and the perceived inconvenience of charging services. Apart from this, V2G framework and its modeling as a business ideal including interactions among grids, load aggregators, EV users along with its spatio-temporal distributions, and adjustable capacity of EV can pave new paths to V2X integration to smart grid.

The Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) perspective is notably aligned with the 5Ds vision, encompassing decentralization, de-carbonization, digitalization, deregulation, and democratization. The incorporation of the 5Ds in V2G implementation caters to various stakeholders actively contributing to the evolution of electric vehicles. Further at microgrid level, minimization of installation cost with optimization in grid designing, decision making, effective planning, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of power fluctuations, optimal scheduling, analysis of effect of absence of EV and how V2G contributes to fluctuating demands along with handling low renewable resources provides comprehensive vision to escalating adoption of EVs. This study addresses these concerns and explores the dynamics surrounding EV energy supplementation, aiming to contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on sustainable integration of V2X.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

  • Investigation of V2G integration focusing on the bidirectional energy flow between EVs and the grid.

  • Understanding sustainable energy infrastructure considering reduced carbon emissions and increased reliance on renewable energy

  • Assess the influence of V2G systems on grid resilience, especially in instances of peak demand and emergencies.

  • Examine how the integration of V2G can support demand response mechanisms, dynamically balancing the supply and demand of energy.

Figure 1.

Flow of the chapter

  • Examine the commercial potential of V2G integration, industry trends, and business models in the context of smart grids and electric vehicles.

  • Offer insights and recommendations to guide future technological developments, and commercial strategies in the fields of smart grids, electric vehicles, and sustainable infrastructure.

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