Empowering Marketing Intelligence via Text Analytics

Empowering Marketing Intelligence via Text Analytics

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4195-7.ch002
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Today's economic world has created incredible opportunities for businesses to drive digital transformation through new intelligent systems and services, from big data to marketing intelligence. This has increased the need for computer-aided text analytics. The inadequacy of the classical marketing information system structure has caused the information flow in marketing to evolve into marketing intelligence. The orientation in marketing intelligence is linked to a fundamental marketing innovation that businesses cannot avoid, and to the structure and quality of the data from which the information will be obtained. Although text mining and analytics studies are frequently associated with marketing research in the literature, it is not seen that text analytics studies are addressed within the scope of marketing intelligence. The current chapter aims to examine how textual data, which can be expressed as an undeniable dimension of marketing intelligence, strengthens marketing intelligence with the support of literature.
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Despite the fierce competition in the global business environment, organizations must steadily find accurate information to make proper decisions and thus maintain their competitive advantage over competitors (Huang et al., 2022). To achieve a competitive advantage, any business firm must analyze and predict market dynamics to be consistent in market changes and to manage appropriately (Nithya & Kiruthika, 2021). Conclusive business intelligence data may serve as the foundation for significant adjustments and the adoption of critical choices, such as creating new areas for collaboration, attracting new clients, finding new markets, and introducing new goods to existing clients inside a company (Huang et al., 2022). The concept of marketing intelligence, a sub-dimension of business intelligence, was introduced by applying a human-specific concept to the marketing departments of businesses. Marketing intelligence is a structure that feeds the digital transformation of companies with information obtained through intelligent systems and big data (Lau et al., 2016). In addition, the success of digital, physical, and phygital marketing operations depends mainly on the performance of this structure in today's competitive environment.

As a result of globalization, today's businesses are expanding their market boundaries and, thus, their competitive scales. In this complex, environmental uncertainty increases, and economic borders disappear. Indeed, there is a need for information-supported insights so businesses can improve their vision. At this point, marketing intelligence is the only mechanism that can benefit all companies, especially SMEs, in reducing the uncertainty brought by internationalizing markets and in the effective management of marketing strategies to be created in this environment (Navarro-García et al., 2016). This intelligence is created by combining current marketing solutions and historical process knowledge. The effective reuse of historical process knowledge has been one of the most critical technical roadmaps leading from traditional process planning based on human experience to intelligent process planning in the context of Industry 4.0 (Zhang et al., 2022).

What a consumer knows about a product or service is crucial to how that product is marketed, especially for information-intensive products (Vigar-Ellis et al., 2015). The fact that even straightforward products now require a certain degree of information use increases the need for information to be obtained from data. This is the reason why big data is crucial for companies’ survival. To explore the different possible forms that big data takes and its relative use in different contexts, every company that wants to survive in today's competitive conditions tends to strengthen its marketing intelligence with the inferences obtained from big data, and there are several studies in the literature on this trend (Paul & Rakshit, 2021; Vannucci & Pantano, 2023). Text data, one of the data types in big data, has an impact on both consumers' purchasing decisions and the development of marketing intelligence of businesses (Mostafa & Alanadoly, 2023).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Text Analytics (TA): The process of extracting information from data by digitizing letters, words, phrases, or sentences.

Marketing Intelligence (MI): Processes that involve companies collecting data about consumers and the market and various analytical processes to use in decision-making on marketing activities.

Business Intelligence (BI): Processes that involve organisations performing various operations on data for use in decision-making.

Sentiment Analysis (SA): The process of identifying emotional tone or sentiment in non-numeric data such as text or speech.

Big Data (BD): It describes data sets of more diverse types (text, audio, image, emoji, number, etc.) and increasing volumes of measurements, which are rapidly becoming continuous.

Nomogram: In statistical analyses that produce binomial results, it is a tool for visualizing the degree to which the change of attributes affects the class probabilities.

Tag Cloud: It is the visualization of the words in a data set consisting of texts as a cloud.

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