Employee Well-Being and Mental Health: Critical Role in Retention Strategies

Employee Well-Being and Mental Health: Critical Role in Retention Strategies

P. Bhanumathi, P. Keerthi Chandrika, B. Sathish Babu
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1938-3.ch010
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Due to increased work pressure and organizational performance expectations, employees struggle to maintain their mental health and peace, leading to decreased motivation and employee attrition. Adding to the work pressure, maintaining a work-life balance has become crucial for building a successful career for any employee. Today's Generation X and Generation Y (millennials) employees have varied preferences and priorities, and their expectations from the organization have changed a lot. The organization is responsible for creating strategies and policies tailor-made for heterogeneous work groups by identifying the critical concerns of employee well-being and mental health and developing mechanisms to address them effectively to retain the talented workforce.
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Overview of Well-Being

Well-being at the workplace significantly impacts employee health, which further impacts the organization's overall productivity. The individual's lifestyle, demographics, and financial stability often progress to well-being. A well-established work environment can enhance well-being and productivity while encouraging a contributed workplace environment. To establish a relationship between employee well-being and productivity, we must analyze the factors driving the individual to achieve productivity. Workplace well-being has been an essential factor that potentially impacts the individual's overall performance. Analyzing and assessing this factor helps the organization enhance its overall productivity.

Factors for the Positive Well-Being of an Individual

Good communication between the individuals in the organization should establish greater coordination among the employees. Positive relations among peers play an important role in building a supportive environment, ensuring employee engagement while fostering job satisfaction. When assisted with requirements by his peers or from the organization, the individual helps him solve the paradoxes at the workplace while enhancing his productivity. In such environments, the individual feels safe and confident in attaining job satisfaction. After achieving job satisfaction, the individual can work in favorable conditions while excelling (Dutraj et al., 2022) (Ilies et al., 2024)

Greater job satisfaction tends to increase the level of well-being at the workplace. By analyzing each role played by the individual in the aspect of interpersonal roles, support, and job satisfaction, the firms can enhance these aspects of the analysis. The better the outcomes these aspects are proven to be, the better the well-being of individuals is prone to be(Supardi et al.,2023)

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