Employability Skills in Higher Education Sector in India

Employability Skills in Higher Education Sector in India

R. Meenambigai, N. Saravanakumar, I. Ambeth, R. Pragadheeswari, P. Thiyagarajan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5345-9.ch065
(Individual Chapters)
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The youth of India constitutes 28 percent of the Country's population and never before have there been so many young people; never again is there likely to be such potential for economic and social progress. How we meet the needs and aspirations of young people will define the common future. India as a developing Country needs to invest heavily in young people's education and health and protect their rights. The formal system of skilled workforce creation by way of Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial schools produces only 2 percent people. It is very meager when compared to the skilled workforce of 47 percent in China and 80 percent in Japan. Livelihood opportunities are affected by supply and demand mismatch. On the supply side, India is failing to create enough job opportunities; and on the demand side, professionals entering the job market are lacking in skill sets. This results to the rising unemployment rates along with low employability issues. Skilling is the key to unlock this mismatch between the existing educational scenario and the industrial requirement.
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Employability Skills Development In India: General Scenario

Skills and knowledge are the dynamic forces of economic growth and social development for a country. Countries with higher and better levels of education and skills are more likely to adjust effectively to the challenges and opportunities of the world. Following dramatic increases in enrolment in higher education in India and fundamental shifts in the graduate recruitment market, a degree is no longer enough to guarantee a graduate a satisfying future career. The skill shortage is still one of the major constraints in most industries in India, (World Bank, 2009). Stake holders of skill development in any economy are:

  • 1.

    Informal education.

  • 2.

    Formal education.

  • 3.

    Employers at work place.

The informal or hereditary mode of education for skill development in India is mainly through passing on cascading skill sets from one generation to the next and difficult to be tapped although government of India is putting lots of efforts to identify and categorize such set of skills.

Employers also facilitates on campus training and development of personnel in various ways but this paper is mainly focused on the skill development in formal education sector mainly in higher education and what needs to be done.

There are three target groups government has identified for vocational/ Technical education in India (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Vocational/technical education in India


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