Emotional Intelligence: A Foundation of Business Management

Emotional Intelligence: A Foundation of Business Management

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1902-4.ch003
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Since time inception the problem of self-knowledge has been the fundamental matter of concern in ancient philosophy. We have a sense of belief that we all know our emotions. This belief gives rise to a number of questions- Do we know our emotions all the time? Are we aware of the emotions of others? Is there any connection between emotion identification and decision making? To answer these questions, one has to unpack the notion of emotional intelligence. This chapter intends to express 5S approach to emotional intelligence as the foundation to business management. These 5S refers to self-awareness, self-management, self-kindness, social awareness, and social skills/social management. Moving further, the emphasis will be on the notion of spirituality as a means to attain the 5S, to excel in emotional intelligence. Our emotions guide our actions and words; thus, significantly assist us in taking appropriate decisions, which as a result, helps us in managing business efficiently and effectively.
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1. Introduction

According to the dualist philosopher Rene Descartes, human beings comprise two realities, namely, the body and the mind. Humans seem to have both physical and mental properties. The properties that are visible in the actions or behavior of a person are physical properties; they can be understood as public in nature. At the same time, mental properties are not so easy to identify and get access to. Identification of mental properties is of utmost importance due to their hidden characteristics. One can question what the ways of identification of our mental properties are? Moving forward, we will address various ways for the identification of mental properties. One of the most common methods of identifying mental properties is through self-reflection. It has often been observed the person themselves might not be familiar with their mental contents until and unless they involve themselves in self-reflection.

The close relatedness between the mind and the body can clearly be expressed with the help of an example. For instance, while taking a walk in the garden, a dog-fearing person accidentally comes across a dog. The moment this encounter occurs, the person goes through various mental and physical disturbances. In this hypothetical situation, the person's mind might react to the perceived notion of a dog and may send instructions to the body to maintain distance from the animal. This sudden encounter may also result in increased heartbeat and sweating by the man; this represents the reaction to a particular happening in reality. And the perception of this reality may result in these consequences. Thus, the external conditions are not responsible for triggering our emotions; instead, our perception of the situation may result in emotional outbursts (Watt, 2002).

Figure 1.

Different in perception results into emotion outburst

Source: Created by the author

The way we begin a conversation with others is usually by greeting that person, followed by questioning about the well-being of that person. Usually, the conversation starts by asking how the other person is doing. This question helps the speaker interrogate the hearer's current mental state; in return, it also helps identify their own emotions (Gilmore, 2021). Identification of emotions is imperative since emotions can be said to be the guiding force that guides our thoughts and, in turn, assists our actions. Humans are diverse beings; few have an art of identifying and expressing themselves effortlessly.

On the other hand, a few may find it tough to express themselves to others. Expressing emotions or mental states through songs, poems, or other art forms is the most common practice. Since time immemorial, expressing oneself through art forms is one of the most significant tools of expression. As humans, there is a constant engagement of one's own self in knowing our own emotions and in understanding the feelings of others (Chowdhary, 2023).

Identification of emotions plays a vital role in our lives due to the interrelatedness between emotions, thoughts, and actions. Our perception of things gives rise to thoughts, which comprise emotions and feelings. These emotions and feelings play a primary role in controlling and guiding our actions (Lewis, 2000). However, it isn't easy to give a specific definition of emotion. For a deeper understanding of the term, perception gives rise to thoughts, which comprise emotions and feelings, and these emotions are often reflected in our actions. The interrelatedness between thinking, feeling, and action can clearly be understood from the below-mentioned figure. The tripartite connection between thought, feeling, and action is so tightly connected; for perception to occur, all three need to be together.

Figure 2.

Tripartite Relation between feelings, thoughts, and actions

Source: Created by the author

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