Emerging Trends and Innovations in Blockchain-Digital Twin Integration for Green Investments: A Case Study Perspective

Emerging Trends and Innovations in Blockchain-Digital Twin Integration for Green Investments: A Case Study Perspective

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1878-2.ch007
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This chapter explores the dynamic interaction between blockchain technology and digital twins in the context of green investing. It examines the revolutionary influence of the synergy of these cutting-edge technologies on the efficiency, transparency, and dependability of sustainable investing methods. The chapter begins with an informative introduction to the fundamentals of blockchain and digital twins, illuminating their separate functions before revealing their joint potential for strengthening green investment initiatives. A detailed assessment of the most recent improvements in blockchain and digital twin technologies follows, focusing on smart contracts, enhanced data analytics, and real-time monitoring. The actual implementation and effects of this integration are presented via illustrative case studies of renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and environmental conservation. This chapter delves deeper into the problems of integrating these technologies, providing practical insights and solutions to technical, regulatory, and operational roadblocks.
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Individually disruptive blockchain technology and digital twins have emerged as critical components for transforming the landscape of green investing. This review examines the subtle confluence of various technologies, revealing their tremendous influence on efficiency, transparency, and dependability in the context of long-term investment plans.

Investigating the Blockchain and Digital Twin Convergence

The merging of blockchain and digital twins offers significant development in the search for environmentally sensitive and sustainable investments (Smith & Johnson, 2020). Blockchain, known for its decentralized and secure ledger characteristics, is effortlessly integrated with digital twins, which digitally mimic real items, resulting in dynamic synergy (Brown et al., 2021). This integration is more than just technology; it represents a paradigm shift in conceptualizing and implementing green investments. While blockchain ensures transaction immutability and transparency, digital twins improve monitoring and simulation capabilities, thereby providing a full understanding of physical assets and processes (White & Black, 2019; Akhtar et al., 2021b). The interaction of these technologies adds new dimensions to green investments, providing more accountability, quicker procedures, and better decision making (Jones, 2022).

Improving Green Investment Strategies' Efficiency, Transparency, and Reliability

The combination of blockchain and digital twins accelerates the efficiency, transparency, and dependability of green investment methods (Smith and Wang, 2018; Akhtar et al., 2021a). Real-time data availability and automated smart contracts improve efficiency (Jones & Lee, 2019; Akhtar et al., 2023). The unchangeable and auditable aspects of blockchain add to the transparency and establish confidence among stakeholders (Brown et al. 2020). The capacity of digital twins to mimic scenarios increases reliability and reduces uncertainty in green projects (Wang et al., 2021). This convergence offers a simplified approach to project management and stakeholder involvement in green projects where complexity and interconnection abound (Garcia & Patel, 2022). Investors and project developers gain more precise risk and return assessments, paving the way for better decision making and long-term results (White, 2018).

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