Emerging Surgical Robotic Applications for Modern Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

Emerging Surgical Robotic Applications for Modern Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7791-5.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Modern medical technological signs of progress in surgical procedures have resulted in the improvement of a variety of innovative performances that have concentrated patient trauma, reduced hospitalization, and better diagnostic correctness and remedial result. In spite of the numerous esteemed reimbursement of MIS (minimally invasive surgery) evaluated to established procedures, there are still important disadvantages connected with usual MIS including poor instrument control and ergonomics caused by rigid instrumentation and its associated fulcrum effect. The use of robot assistance has helped to realize the full potential of invasive surgery with enhanced reliability, security, and precision. The increase of expressed accuracy tools to improve the surgeon's agility has developed similarly to progress in imaging and human-robot communication. In this chapter, medical requirements and technological disputes related to the surgical robot and connected technological advances and challenges associated with apparatus design are discussed.
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1. Introduction

As the field of surgical robotics steadily advances, surgeons cannot perform minimally invasive surgery with or without the accumulation of endoscopes (Palep, 2009; Theodore et al., 2018; Leal Ghezzi et al., 2016, Barua et al., 2023). Surgical robots are computer-programmable extensions of computers that allow great precision and more delicate surgical techniques (Wedmid et al., 2011; Herrell et al., 2014; Barua et al., 2022; Tuliao et al., 2014). The first application of robotics in neurosurgery was a biopsy (Sackier et al., 1994). Neurosurgery may have been the pioneer of robotic surgery, but due to anatomical constraints, the idea of robotic surgery was extended to other areas such as urology, gastroenterology, etc (Ahmed et al., 2018; Jølner et al., 2022; Herling et al., 2017). The major obstacles to the advancement of robotics in neurosurgery are anatomical constraints, delicate neural structures, and minimal opportunities for advancement (Zhang et al., 2020; Momin et al., 2020, Lane, 2018). The current system more accurately referred to robots as co-robots or “cobots” because they work in conjunction with human operators rather than autonomously (Javaid et al., 2022). Growth and development have been immense over the past two decades. In 2015, more than 700,000 surgical procedures were performed using the da Vinci system (Shin et al., 2020). Robotic surgery can be classified based on the working environment, manipulator design, target structure, methods, or degree of autonomy (de Smet et al., 2018; Peters et al., 2018; Barua et al., 2022). For better understanding, it is generally divided into active and passive systems. Figure 1shows the engineering design, fabrication methods, and human-robot interaction technologies of soft surgical robots for MIS. In a passive system, also known as a master-slave relationship, the robot is the passive unit while the surgeon operates the physical tool. The active system, on the other hand, provides a much higher degree of autonomy to the robots, with the surgeon intervening only when needed (Panteleimonitis et al., 2018; Morrell et al., 2021). Figure 2 shows different surgical (MIS) tools. An intermediate form of these two systems is the semi-active system, in which the robot provides some assistance to the surgeon in performing the procedure (Gettman et al., 2016). An example of this is the Neuromate system (Elsabeh et al., 2021). Robotic surgery is a rapidly developing field of medicine with a fascinating past (Theodore et al., 2018; Leal Ghezzi et al., 2016). Although Intuitive Surgical's supremacy and hegemony, the progress of robotic surgery is far from complete, with a number of possible rivals on the horizon pushing the limits of the best technology (Shin et al., 2020; Kajita et al., 2015).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Robotic Surgery: Essentially involves operating on patients while using a robotic surgical equipment.

da Vinci Robotic Surgery: The da Vinci Xi System makes use of cutting-edge surgical and robotic technology, making it useful for complex surgeries such urologic operations to treat kidney problems as well as bladder, prostate, and bladder cancer.

Robot: Any autonomously running device that takes the role of a person's labour, even if it doesn't look like a person or behave in a way that a person would. Robotics, then, is the branch of engineering that deals with the creation, maintenance, and use of robots.

Needle Insertion: During soft tissue surgery, the use of minimally invasive (MI) interventional instruments promises to reduce tissue stress, shorten the surgical time, and hasten patient recovery. Common operations include the insertion of needles for brachytherapy, medication delivery, or diagnostic biopsies of malignant tissue.

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