Emerging Green Practices, Internet of Things, and Digital Marketing: A Response to the Global Economic and Climate Crises

Emerging Green Practices, Internet of Things, and Digital Marketing: A Response to the Global Economic and Climate Crises

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8166-0.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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Planetary sustainability has emerged as a challenging phenomenon today. Though there have been various discussions and deliberations in reducing carbon footprints and adapting green practices, things are not really moving in the right direction. However, the emergence of many new green practices cannot be ignored at the same time. Climate change is real and possesses many unexpected disasters to happen if not addressed on time. The researchers have claimed already that this threat needs to have a collective response rather than waiting for some specific governments to act. This chapter attempts to make an account of green practices around the globe and explores the way internet of things and digital marketing are playing or can play in the propagation of the same. This study makes an account of possible best practices and the way they have been promoted in the recent past. This will have an implication on the social scientists, ecologists, digital marketers, environment activists, and government bodies.
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1. Introduction

The world is currently facing two major crises: the global economic crisis and the climate crisis. Both of these crises have significant impacts on businesses and consumers alike, and they are closely linked. The economic crisis has led to a decrease in consumer spending and a decrease in demand for goods and services, while the climate crisis has led to increased costs for businesses due to the need to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the changing climate.

The global economic crisis is the result of a number of factors, including the collapse of the housing market, the failure of major financial institutions, and the decline of the global economy. This has led to a decrease in consumer spending and a decrease in demand for goods and services. Businesses have been forced to reduce costs and lay off employees in order to survive.

The climate crisis on the other hand is the result of non-sustainable practices of the humans, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. This has led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and a warming of the Earth's atmosphere that led to changes in weather patterns, rising sea levels, and increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters. The climate crisis also has significant impacts on businesses and consumers, as companies are forced to adapt to the changing climate and consumers are faced with higher costs for goods and services.

In response to these crises, many businesses are turning to green practices in order to reduce costs and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. These practices include using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and increasing energy efficiency. For example, many companies are now using solar and wind power to generate electricity, and they are also using more energy efficient lighting and heating systems. In addition, companies are also investing in green technologies, such as electric cars and smart buildings, in order to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable.

Another emerging trend that is helping businesses to adapt to the economic and climate crises is the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT refers to the growing network of connected devices, such as smartphones, smart homes, and industrial equipment, that are able to communicate with each other and with the internet. IoT is being used to increase efficiency and reduce costs by automating processes and collecting data to optimize performance. For example, companies are using IoT to monitor energy usage in buildings and to optimize the performance of industrial equipment.

Digital marketing is also playing a critical role in helping businesses to navigate the economic and climate crises. Digital marketing is the use of digital channels, such as social media, search engines, and email, to promote products and services. Digital marketing is allowing businesses to reach a wider audience, target specific demographics, and measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. This is helping companies to reduce costs and increase efficiency, while also allowing them to better understand their customers' needs and preferences. This chapter takes up these two issues, and tries to draw conclusions on the based on the fact that, the global economic and climate crises are having a significant impact on businesses and consumers alike. However, by embracing green practices, IoT, and digital marketing, companies can reduce costs and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis while also increasing efficiency and reaching a wider audience. These trends are helping businesses to adapt to the changing economic and environmental landscape and to remain competitive in the global marketplace.

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