Emerging Applications of Nanomaterials With Less Toxicity and More Efficacy in Modern Biomedical Engineering

Emerging Applications of Nanomaterials With Less Toxicity and More Efficacy in Modern Biomedical Engineering

Ranjit Barua, Sudipto Datta
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0448-8.ch017
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Understanding how nanomaterials (NMs) and biological systems interact at the interface is of great research interest. Nanoparticles (NPs) such as carbon nanotubes, graphene oxides, carbon dots, graphite nanopowders, and others are included in NMs. Through organic layers, medicinal compounds, proteins, DNA, and cellular matrices, these NPs exhibit a range of interactions with biological interfaces. The morphological surface of bio-nanoconjugates is influenced by a variety of biophysical and colloidal factors that control their biological responses, giving the NMs unique physical characteristics. Future-generation nano-tool design is essentially focused on the fundamental characteristics of NMs, such as shape, size, composition, functionality, etc., and substantial research has been done in this area. Understanding their characteristics encourages study in the biological and medical fields and enhances their relevance in the field of health management.
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After nearly two decades, a variety of NMs with varied shapes, sizes, and structures—such as nanowires, nanotubes, nanoclusters, nanocrystals, nano-coatings, nanocomposites, quantum dots, etc.—are currently being manufactured globally [Leary et al., 2006] [Barua et al., 2022]. Compared to their bulkier cousins, they have improved their characteristics [Eldar boock et al., 2013] [Zhang et al., 2016]. They are used in a wide range of fields, including as robotics, biosensing, coating, electronics, optics, photonics, displays, magnetics, dot-circuits, cantilevers, QD-cellular automata, self-assembly, lithography, aerospace, and machining [Das et al., 2023] [Waidi et al., 2023]. Nanoscale synthesis has been motivated by research into bio-inspired naturally occurring materials. Building a nano-biological interface that bio-imitates the naturally occurring phenomenon is a key area for improving understanding [Datta et al., 2023]. In this regard, an interdisciplinary team of scientists organized the International Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) workshop on “Biologically inspired Nanomaterials” in November 2005 [Demirel et al., 2007]. The entire purpose was to facilitate the study of biological sciences using nanoscale materials. In this context, a variety of substances (such as polymers) that behave like antibodies are being produced widely [Yan]. Additionally, synthetic work harnessed by local power [Muthukrishnan et al., 2004] through emulating nano-architectures and tailored surfaces with cell-like capabilities [Pursel et al., 2005] are both being developed. This new frontier can result in systems that are environmentally friendly and crucial for reducing negative effects, where natural systems serve as models for the use of renewable resources. One of the nanotechnology fields with the fastest growing frontiers is the nano-bio interface. Understanding their physiochemical characterisation and biological medium is crucial because NMs differ from their counterparts in both biological and chemical characteristics [Barua et al., 2022]. Dynamic physiochemical interactions, kinetics, and thermodynamic exchanges are all present at this interface. As seen in Figure 1, they have a range of biological applications, including medication delivery, bio-imaging, tissue engineering, bio-sensors, etc. This facilitates the creation of distinctive functionalities needed by biological systems. To control how forces interact with their molecular equivalents, both concepts must be understood equally. For diverse medicinal demands and electronic substitutes [You et al., 2005] [Barua et al., 2018] [Shim et al., 2002] [Reed et al., 2003], functionalized NPs are being produced. The primary goal of this paper is to give the reader a historical overview of NMs and an understanding of how they have been used in the interdisciplinary fields of biology, chemistry, electronics, and medicine. This chapter focuses on an in-depth and critical examination of the theoretical and experimental characteristics of nanoscale materials, which have served as the basis for many biological systems. Different self-assembled synthetic materials, bio-functionalized NMs, and their probing methods are used in the main analysis. In relation to diverse biological applications, the current review paper focuses on recently developing developments in the production and usage of nanomaterials. This page adds value to the literature by summarizing the most recent reports of nanomaterials, particularly in the field of health.

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