Emergency Distance Education From the Perspective of a University During the COVID-19 Era: An Experience-Based Reflection

Emergency Distance Education From the Perspective of a University During the COVID-19 Era: An Experience-Based Reflection

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7010-7.ch002
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In this chapter, the reflections of the emergency distance education process experienced in a state university in Turkey were presented. The decisions taken during the pandemic period, the triggers of the decisions, the changes made, the problems encountered, the solution methods developed to solve these problems and the lessons learned were discussed. In addition, by associating the inferences obtained with the findings of the studies in the literature, indicators were provided to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in the field of distance education to determine their future strategies. In this context, it is thought that sharing and criticizing the practices made are important in terms of being a guide for similar situations that may be encountered in the future.
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The Covid-19 pandemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and affected the whole world in a short time, is characterized as a social and economic crisis that causes fluctuations in all areas of life, especially in health, and has made it necessary to take some radical decisions. Although the pandemic, which brought life to a standstill, seems to be a financial crisis that mostly affected businesses due to the decline in trade globally in 2019 (Verma & Gustafsson, 2020), the effects of the pandemic were also felt deeply in education. While schools have closed completely in some countries around the world, face-to-face education has been suspended in some countries at the local, regional and state level (UNESCO, 2022). During the pandemic process, all stakeholders of education carried out various practices in order to ensure the continuity of education within the framework of the rules set by the policy-makers in the relevant settlement area. This situation brought up the concept of emergency distance education, which is defined as an instructional communication method born out of the necessity brought by the pandemic process (Bozkurt et al., 2020) and emergency distance education models started to be implemented rapidly in all age groups by employing various technologies.

From this point of view, it is aimed to share the reflections of an experience-based practice by considering the emergency distance education model adopted in a state university in Turkey during the pandemic process. In this context, the practice process of the model, the decisions taken in this process and the triggers of the decisions, the changes made, the problems encountered, the solution methods developed to solve these problems and the lessons learned were addressed. In addition, it is aimed to provide indicators for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in the field of distance education to determine future strategies by associating the inferences obtained in this process with the findings of the studies in the literature. As researchers who are in the kitchen of the business and experience this process from beginning to end, it is thought that it is important to criticize and share the practices in terms of being a guide for possible similar situations that may be encountered in the future.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Transactional Distance: This refers to the sensory or perceptual distance of communication and interaction between student-student, student-teacher, student-content in online environments.

Emergency Distance Education Process in Covid-19 Era: This refers to the period in which education is carried out entirely remotely for three semesters (2019-2020 spring, 2020-2021 fall and 2020-2021 spring) in universities in Turkey, depending on the decision of CoHE.

Distance Education: This refers to a planned, systematic and pedagogically based learning-teaching process using various technologies.

The Council of Higher Education (CoHE): This refers to the institution established to plan, organize, manage, supervise and direct the educational processes, scientific research activities and resources of universities in Turkey.

Accessibility: This refers to the design of products, devices, services, tools or environments so that they can be used by people with disabilities.

Emergency Distance Education: A concept that came to the agenda during the pandemic, refers to the technological communication process, which is a temporary solution for the continuation of disrupted learning-teaching activities.

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