Elevating Performance for Enhancing AI-Powered Humanoid Robots Through Innovation

Elevating Performance for Enhancing AI-Powered Humanoid Robots Through Innovation

Krishnamohan Reddy Kunduru, Yagya Dutta Dwivedi, R. Aruna, G. R. Thippeswamy, Subramanian Selvakumar, M. Sudhakar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 35
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2399-1.ch004
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This chapter explores strategies for enhancing the performance of AI-powered humanoid robots through innovation. It begins with an overview of the current landscape of humanoid robots, highlighting their diverse applications across industries. The review examines existing performance metrics and identifies areas for improvement. Subsequent sections delve into specific avenues for innovation, including advancements in cognitive capabilities, motor skills, emotional intelligence, and human-robot interaction. Leveraging machine learning techniques for continuous improvement is also explored. Ethical considerations, such as privacy concerns and bias mitigation, are addressed, along with challenges associated with societal impact. The chapter concludes with case studies showcasing successful implementations of performance-enhancing strategies and outlines potential future directions for research and development in the field.
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AI-powered humanoid robots are a significant advancement in robotics, enabling them to mimic human behavior and perform tasks like healthcare assistance and manufacturing productivity enhancement. However, their performance is not without challenges, and this introduction lays the groundwork for exploring innovative strategies to improve their performance. Humanoid robots are being deployed in various sectors, including healthcare, education, and entertainment. They enhance patient care, provide personalized learning experiences, and are increasingly integrated into retail environments, customer service roles, and households. They augment healthcare professionals' capabilities, enhance patient outcomes, and provide companionship, enhancing patient care and engagement (Rossos et al., 2023).

To maximize the impact of humanoid robots, they need to improve their performance across various dimensions. Traditional metrics like accuracy, speed, and efficiency may not fully capture the complexity of human-robot interaction and real-world scenarios. Therefore, there is a growing focus on developing more nuanced performance metrics that consider adaptability, versatility, and user experience. AI algorithms are improving the cognitive capabilities of humanoid robots, enabling them to learn from experience, recognize patterns, and make informed decisions in dynamic environments. Innovations in perception and sensing technologies also enhance their understanding and interpretation of their surroundings, facilitating intuitive interaction with humans and objects. Further research is needed to refine these capabilities (Mukherjee et al., 2022).

Humanoid robots' performance is enhanced by improving their motor skills and physical interaction capabilities. Sensorimotor integration, dexterity, and adaptive control mechanisms enable safe manipulation and navigation in complex environments. Advances in materials science, robotics, and biomechanics provide new opportunities to improve agility, strength, and flexibility, enabling more natural and fluid movements in humanoid robots. Researchers are exploring the use of emotional intelligence in humanoid robot development. Sentiment analysis, empathy algorithms, and affective computing techniques enable robots to recognize emotional cues, tailor responses, and establish meaningful connections with users. This approach can enhance user engagement, foster trust, and facilitate empathetic interactions in humanoid robots (Hlee et al., 2023).

Human-robot interaction is crucial for the success of humanoid robots, involving natural language processing, gesture recognition, and behavior adaptation. Advances in collaboration and shared autonomy enhance this partnership. AI-powered humanoid robots present a complex challenge, but by improving cognitive abilities, motor skills, emotional intelligence, and interaction, researchers can unlock new applications. However, technical, ethical, and societal issues remain. Collaboration and sustained innovation can unlock the full potential of AI-powered robots, enhancing productivity and quality of life (Nguyen et al., 2022).

AI-powered humanoid robots are a significant advancement in robotics, combining AI capabilities with human-like behavior. These robots are designed to interact with humans and their environments in a manner resembling human interaction, offering various applications across industries. They use advanced sensors, cameras, and other sensory devices to perceive and interpret the world, analyze visual and auditory cues, recognize objects and people, and navigate complex environments with high autonomy. AI-powered robots are equipped with advanced algorithms that enable them to learn from experience, make decisions, and adapt to changing circumstances. Machine learning techniques like deep learning and reinforcement learning help them acquire new skills and improve performance over time (Karami et al., 2023).

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