Elevating IoT Sensor Data Management and Security Through Blockchain Solutions

Elevating IoT Sensor Data Management and Security Through Blockchain Solutions

Neha Bhati, Narayan Vyas
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0968-1.ch003
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The internet of things, security, and blockchain all come together to deal with the influx of sensor data. The autonomous vehicle industry, for example, relies heavily on effective data management. IoT applications in supply chains, healthcare, and smart cities can all benefit from the immutability, decentralization, and transparency offered by blockchain technology. The research gives recommendations for optimizing blockchain integration and managing scalability concerns. The methodology is supported by real-world case studies, which highlight the potential of blockchain technology to improve efficiency and security in dynamic environments.
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1. Introduction

The convergence of new technologies has ushered in a revolutionary era in the field of managing data from sensors connected to the Internet of Things. This chapter explores the crucial intersection of Internet of Things sensor data, data security, and blockchain implementation. Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data is fundamental to the digital age and powers numerous sectors. Given the inherent weaknesses of this ecosystem, however, there is a pressing need for robust data management and security (Zaabar et al., 2021).

This chapter explains why blockchain technology should be implemented, what it is, how it works, and its significant concepts. IoT data management and security difficulties are broken down to examine blockchain's potential role as a trust-enhancing layer in greater depth. To dig into applications ranging from intelligent city infrastructure to supply chain management. Following fascinating case studies and a look into the future of this dynamic synergy between IoT and blockchain, this article provides practical insights into implementation tactics, scalability, and performance optimization.

1.1 Introduction to Internet of Things Sensor Data

The sheer variety of sensors available in the IoT sensor ecosystem allows it to cover much ground. These can be as simple as a thermometer or a motion detector or as complex as an RFID tag. It is important to note that these sensors have not only permeated our lives but also found applications in various fields, from connected smart homes and the rapidly developing healthcare sector to complex manufacturing procedures and the pioneering landscape of today's agriculture. Realizing the full extent and potential of IoT sensor data requires familiarity with the whole breadth and depth of the sensor ecosystem (B. Sharam et al., 2023).

1.2 Data Management and Security Are Paramount in the Internet of Things (IoT)

Effective data management and robust security measures are crucial as the Internet of Things continues its pervasive expansion (Zheng et al., 2020).

The data produced as an afterthought by the Internet of Things is now a valuable strategic asset in its own right. It is crucial in guiding choices, inspiring creativity, and enhancing efficiency. An in-depth discussion of data's essential function in the IoT ecosystem follows. In addition, it discusses the many difficulties inherent to playing such a crucial part. Among these difficulties are the urgent and ever-evolving security issues and ensuring the data quality being collected and used (Al Sadawi et al., 2021).

1.3 The Benefits of Implementing Blockchain Technology

Integrating blockchain technology is an appealing and innovative answer to the growing and complex problems of IoT data management and security. IoT data can be made more trustworthy by using blockchain, known for its immutable and transparent ledger. Therefore, the framework for understanding how blockchain might significantly improve data integrity and security inside the IoT ecosystem is laid in this section. The combination of blockchain technology and the Internet of Things has tremendous potential, and this paper introduces the notion of intelligent contracts to explore this potential. In addition, the importance of compatibility between blockchain and IoT technologies for facilitating efficient communication and collaboration is discussed (Bhaskar et al., 2020).

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