Electronic Sustainability in Libraries With Microcontrollers: Applications

Electronic Sustainability in Libraries With Microcontrollers: Applications

T.M. Kalpana, S. Gopalakirshnan
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch080
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Electronic sustainability can be achieved using simple microcontrollers by saving energy, time, and manpower and safeguarding the resources from accidental or intentional loss. Implementation of such an electronic framework does not require huge investments or special skills but will save a lot on automating simple tasks basically micro-computers that can be programmed to control operations with endless day-to-day applications. Arduino microcontroller is used widely in making mini projects that can be effectively connected to systems for better electronic governance in libraries like avoiding theft, saving electricity, saving water, data streaming, live system allocation, automatic system shut down, scheduler, etc. Their applications can be broadened by our own creativity. Electronic components in the form of switches, buttons, sensors, etc. work as input devices. Motors, lights, buzzers, display boards, etc. can be used as visual and sound output devices. All the software is available from Arduino DLE free library, and the components are easily customizable and connectable.
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3. What Can Arduino Do In Libraries?

Arduino can be used in libraries in:

  • 1.

    Theft detection and control

  • 2.

    Live system access time management

  • 3.

    Automatic on and off lights

  • 4.

    Flood alarm

  • 5.

    Fire alarm

  • 6.

    Intruder alert and alarm (Kalpana et al., 2022)

  • 7.

    Auto watering system for plants

  • 8.

    Air conditioner - Automatic on and off with Moisture control

  • 9.

    Automatic temperature monitor

  • 10.

    Solar panel data streamer

  • 11.

    Parking lot management


4. Devices

Arduino Microcontroller boards are available in different types and versions according to its functionality and purpose.

  • Arduino Uno

  • Arduino Pro

  • Arduino 101

  • Arduino Mega 2560

  • Arduino Zero

  • Arduino Due

  • Arduino Gemma

  • Lilypad Arduino, etc. (50 cool arduino projects for February, 2023; Team, n.d.)

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