Electrifying Transportation and Pioneering the Future of Sustainable Electricity Mobility

Electrifying Transportation and Pioneering the Future of Sustainable Electricity Mobility

Anil Bharti, Neha Gupta
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2611-4.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The journey of electric vehicles (EVs) involves myriad challenges and opportunities amid their widespread adoption. EVs, powered by rechargeable batteries and electric motors, are transforming the automotive industry, offering environmental benefits like zero tailpipe emissions, improved air quality, and reduced noise. With instant torque and acceleration, EVs provide a responsive driving experience. The realm of e-mobility holds a promising future with dynamic challenges, opportunities, and emerging trends. Challenges include establishing robust charging infrastructure, addressing range anxiety, ensuring ethical supply chains, and advancing battery technology. Integration with autonomous and connected technologies, supportive policies, and creating a more sustainable transportation landscape are also vital. This chapter explores technical obstacles and opportunities in the industry's pursuit of greater electrification of energy conversion systems in mobile platforms, often referred to as e-mobility.
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1. Introduction

With the increasing population, the demand for automobiles has been increasing exponentially which leads to increased carbon footprints and causes global warming. Globally it has been accepted that the biggest concern and issue of the new millennium is global warming. In order to handle both the problem and the goal of sustainable development, using renewable energy sources becomes the best alternative (Gupta & Khatri, 2017; Gupta et al., 2022; Gupta & Saini, 2019). Keeping this objective as the main goal the automotive landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift with the emergence of electric vehicles (EVs), which rely on electric motors and rechargeable batteries instead of traditional internal combustion engines. Key components, including the lithium-ion battery pack, electric motor, power electronics, and regenerative braking systems, define the engineering intricacies of EVs. The battery pack stores energy for propulsion, the motor converts electrical energy into motion, power electronics manage electricity flow, and regenerative braking enhances efficiency by recovering energy during deceleration. Engineers continuously optimize these components to enhance EV performance, range, charging infrastructure, and safety, while advancements in battery technology aim to reduce costs.. The integration of EVs into transportation networks is fuelled by concerns about carbon emissions and air pollution.

Pioneering research by Han, An, and Wang (2018) provides a comprehensive exploration of EV charging infrastructure and planning. The study offers invaluable insights into sustainable electric mobility, addressing the complexities of charging technologies, deployment strategies, and the pivotal role of supportive regulations. Collaborative efforts among governments, businesses, and communities are underscored as crucial for successful EV charging infrastructure planning.

Liu and Mi (2019) contribute significantly to understanding the integration of EVs into power networks. Their work explores challenges arising from a substantial number of EVs in established power grids, emphasizing grid stability. The authors propose innovative strategies for managing the impact of EVs on grid stability, making their book essential for policymakers and researchers navigating the evolving landscape of electric mobility. Sze and Xu (2020) focus on integrating EVs with power grids, shedding light on the critical facet of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) integration. The book addresses the complexities of this integration, highlighting the need for robust communication protocols and smart grid technologies. The potential benefits of utilizing EVs as energy storage devices for enhancing grid reliability are emphasized, making the publication invaluable for those navigating the dynamic intersection of EVs and power grids. The profound implications of these works contribute to shaping a greener, more accessible, and sustainable future for electric mobility.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing the automotive industry by utilizing electric motors powered by rechargeable batteries instead of internal combustion engines. The engineering aspects of EVs involve key components such as the battery pack, motor, power electronics, and regenerative braking systems. The battery pack, typically lithium-ion, provides the energy storage required for propulsion, while the motor converts electrical energy into mechanical motion. Power electronics control the flow of electricity between the battery and motor, ensuring efficient power delivery. Regenerative braking systems enable energy recovery during deceleration, enhancing overall efficiency (Hamada & Orhan, 2022). Engineers strive to optimize these components to enhance EV performance, range, charging infrastructure, and safety while advancing battery technology and reducing costs. The integration of EVs into transportation networks has been motivated by the alarming contribution of conventional vehicles to carbon emissions and air pollution. The groundbreaking advancements in battery technology and power electronic systems have further expanded the potential of EVs also led to their wide-scale adoption (Jang, 2018).


2. Challenges To Electric Vehicles

The electric mobility faces several challenges that impact its widespread adoption:

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