Efficient Hospital Waste Treatment and Management Through IoT and Bioelectronics

Efficient Hospital Waste Treatment and Management Through IoT and Bioelectronics

Shalom Akhai, Alex Khang
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6016-3.ch009
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This chapter explores the challenges and risks of hospital waste management, highlighting the potential of IoT and bioelectronics to improve waste treatment and disposal. The integration of these technologies can revolutionize waste management, reducing environmental impact and meeting regulatory requirements. IoT can monitor waste generation rates, segregation, and disposal, simplifying operations and reducing human intervention. Bioelectronics enhances IoT by sensing and analyzing waste materials, detecting infections and other hazards in medical waste for efficient processing. By improving disposal processes, waste treatment systems can meet regulatory requirements and reduce health and environmental concerns. IoT data can improve waste management plans, but data security, infrastructure integration, and cost must be considered during installation. Future advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning could enhance waste management operations through predictive analytics and optimization. In conclusion, IoT and bioelectronics have the potential to transform hospital waste management, improving efficiency, sustainability, and regulatory compliance. Further research, innovation, and cooperation are needed to fully utilize these technologies.
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1. Introduction

IoT and bioelectronics can enhance hospital waste management by automating processes, reducing errors, and improving productivity. By integrating sensor devices and a designed IoT environment, deep learning can enhance efficiency and sustainability (Raju, Elpa, & Urban, 2024). IoT-based technologies can categorize, quantify, and manage biological waste, ensuring safe disposal and reducing environmental and health concerns. Hospital waste management is challenging due to the presence of contagious, poisonous, and dangerous items (Saha et al., 2017). Integrating IoT and bioelectronics could revolutionize waste management, increasing efficiency, waste segregation, monitoring, and disposal. This sustainable approach protects healthcare staff, patients, and the environment. Bioelectronics can also improve waste monitoring and disposal by detecting waste generation trends (Kumar & Kumar 2024). Wearable devices/gadgets can reduce hospital visits and provide continuous data collection for patient monitoring and domiciliary hospitalization. These technologies enhance hospital operations and waste, and hazardous waste management/collection practices (Akhai 2023; Kim et al., 2023).

IoT technology may improve hospital waste management by giving real-time waste generation data for effective collection and disposal. Garbage bin sensors can monitor fill levels and give notifications when they need to be emptied, optimising waste collection routes and minimizing trips. IoT can also detect and analyze waste generation trends to help hospitals discover high-waste locations and reduce them. This improves trash management efficiency, saving money and the environment.

IoT also tracks and analyses waste generation trends, helping hospitals improve efficiency and minimize waste. IoT improves garbage management, saving money and the environment. Hospitals utilize sensors and data analysis to enhance waste collection routes using IoT. These garbage bin sensors assess fill levels and provide real-time data to a central system. Analyzing this data identifies high trash/waste locations and optimizes waste collection routes. This allows hospitals to make data-driven choices while improving efficiency, lowering costs, and reducing environmental impact (Mohamed, Khan and Jagtap 2023; (Rahangdale et al., 2022).

Bioelectronics is essential to hospital operations, providing continuous patient monitoring, remote patient care, asset management, and workflow optimisation. Wearable bioelectronics such sensors and patches allow healthcare personnel to monitor patients' vital signs and physiological indicators in real time and respond quickly. Bioelectronics and IoMT allow remote patient care, saving hospital resources and enhancing patient comfort. RFID technology streamlines inventory management, asset utilization, and maintenance compliance, lowering costs. Integration circuits offer lightweight, low-power, and cost-effective medical measuring equipment, while wireless devices streamline processes to improve healthcare delivery (Khang, 2025a).

Bioelectronics improve patient monitoring, remote care, asset management, and processes, making healthcare more efficient and productive (Verma et al., 2022; Mathkor et al., 2024). Wireless gadgets improve communication, mobility, data collecting, and patient monitoring, revolutionising healthcare. They let healthcare personnel to communicate in real time for task collaboration, patient care, and emergency response. Healthcare personnel may access patient data and interact while on the go, avoiding the need to return to a central workstation.

Wireless devices provide effective data collecting without human input or mistakes. They speed decision-making by providing rapid access to patient data, test findings, prescription information, and clinical decision support tools (Srivastava & Akhai 2022). They reduce administrative load and simplify recordkeeping by removing paper records. They also provide continuous vital sign monitoring, allowing prompt interventions and decreasing manual checks. So wireless gadgets make healthcare more efficient and effective (Albahri et al., 2018; Vyas & Bhargava 2021; Hassan et al., 2021).

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