Effects of Employee Performance on the Implementation of Total Quality Management: Perspective of Working Mothers

Effects of Employee Performance on the Implementation of Total Quality Management: Perspective of Working Mothers

Nur Aqilah Adilah Hj Abd Rahman, Heru Susanto
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8524-5.ch010
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Mother is a person who has many task and responsibilities daily. In addition, as a working mother, tasks and responsibilities are double and triple, for instance task and chores at home and task at the organization. Total quality management is practices and procedures that organizations use in order to enhance or improve the performance of the employee or the organization. Performance of working mothers is said to be not satisfactory, and their performance may drop after having babies. Some organizations and their colleagues don't seem to be helpful to working mothers after rejoining the workforce right after maternity leave ended. Some organization from other countries provide work-family support policies in order to help these working mothers to balance their lifestyle as mother and as an employee. Some researchers claimed that working mothers tend to have very happy children whilst underperforming in the organization. This chapter seeks to investigate the perception of working mothers on their performance after the implementation of total quality management.
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Quality and Performance

One of the most crucial factors that support on organization’s survival is customer satisfaction and providing quality product and services (Parsamand, 2021). As stated earlier, quality is proven to be very crucial in either products, skills or even for an organization. To achieve long term success and to stay strong in the market, products need to have very good quality. In terms of skills, quality of an employee is also very important in order to have good performance. As stated in the SPA’s website (Civil service commission), public sectors are using annual performance appraisal in order to see whether employees are improving or not, when certain standards are achieved then incentives will be provided at the end of the year. (SPA, 2018)

Improve in performance may result in higher levels of customer and employee satisfaction. Educations were always very difficult to take into account when it comes to measuring employee performance; with greater education does not always result in greater performance, employee also need training. Training can help recipients to improve their performance by helping recipient attain required level of knowledge. Training has shown positive impact towards employee productivity which results in higher level of customer and employee satisfaction, (Borghans, 2001; Allen and Velden, 2001; Green and McIntosh, 2007; Amador & Vila, 2013; Anuar, 2017), however, organizations would prefer to have employee that already have lots of experiences so the organization don’t have to spend more money in training new employees.

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