Effectiveness of Increasing Realism Into Cybersecurity Training

Effectiveness of Increasing Realism Into Cybersecurity Training

Robert Beveridge
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3554-0.ch028
(Individual Chapters)
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This article describes how cybersecurity is a field that is growing at an exponential rate. In light of many highly publicized incidences of cyber-attacks against organizations, the need to hire experienced cybersecurity professionals is increasing. The lack of available workforce to fill open positions is alarming and organizations are finding that potential candidates with academic degrees and certifications alone are not as valuable as those with experience. Gaining rapid experience requires immersion into realistic virtual environments that mimic real-world environments. Currently, cybersecurity competitions leverage many technologies that immerse participants into virtual environments that mimic real-world systems to improve experiential learning. These systems are expensive to build and maintain, and to continuously improve realism is difficult. However, the training value of cyber competitions in which the participants cannot distinguish from real-world systems will ultimately develop highly experience cybersecurity professionals.
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Over the last decade, cybercrime has a detrimental impact on all facets of technology used in homes and businesses and continues to increase exponentially. The global economic impact of cybercrime in 2014 cost an estimated 345 million to 445 million dollars, or .62% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Lewis, 2018). As of 2017, the impact to global GDP increased to .87% or an estimated 608 billion dollars (Lewis, 2018). This cost, which includes loss of reputation, intellectual property, online fraud costs, and other financial impact, continues to grow. A successful cyberattack on an organization within the United States that results in a data breach is estimated to cost an average of 5.4 million dollars per incident (Reed, 2019).

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