Effective Learning Through Moodle Management, Social Media, and Peer-Guided Learning

Effective Learning Through Moodle Management, Social Media, and Peer-Guided Learning

Mohd Muttaqin Mohd Adnan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4080-9.ch006
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The old method of teacher-centric learning has been criticized as a less effective method of teaching and learning. Academics have been implementing newer and better initiatives that are more student-centric, which has proven to be more meaningful and effective in delivering the knowledge needed for students to grow and obtain the necessary skills to be future leaders. However, through self-observation and feedback from students, the author noticed that some subjects are still using the old methods in delivering the subject to the students. The problem statement here is that there are still subjects taught today that are teacher-centric, which might not be suitable to develop students as future leaders. The author argues that a good educator should focus in creating a healthy self-guided learning environment. Several initiatives were made by the author to change the way of teaching and learning. By analyzing the previous performance and gathering students' feedback, the outcome of the initiatives has been successful in ensuring students have better learning experiences.
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Literature Review

Various learning theories have provided different perspectives and strategies to promote effective learning. The five most well-known learning theories are behaviorism, cognitivism, social cognitivism, humanism and constructivism. Behaviorism was considered as the work of Edward Thorndike (1913) and Ivan Pavlov (1927) and was among the earliest theory that tries to explain the learning process. Behaviorism sees learning as a process of acquiring new behavior and that learning is a result of environmental conditions also known as stimuli and reinforcement. There are three main assumptions for this theory which are learning is shown and can be measured by the change of behavior; behavior are main shaped by environment; and reinforcement are core to explain the learning process (Shlechter 1991; Watson 1997). Skinner (1958, p.972) argued that “behavior is shown to be shaped and maintained by its ‘reinforcing’ consequences rather than elicited as conditioned or unconditioned responses to stimuli”. His arguments and findings were later widely adopted and implemented into many educational practices. Behaviorism lays the foundation to what is currently known as the teacher-centric approach.

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