Educational Technology in Higher Education: Online Teaching and Learning

Educational Technology in Higher Education: Online Teaching and Learning

Lynne Orr
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch083
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This article covered the trends in educational technology in higher education primarily pertaining to online teaching and learning. It begins by discussing the background information. A review of the current technology trends was presented with a brief overview of the technology. The last portion of the background information contains a survey conducted during COVID-19 at a state college in the northeastern United States, which asked faculty about their instructional and technical needs during remote teaching and learning. Given the rapid changes in technology in the higher education arena, there are four major issues that arrive causing challenges that need to be addressed. The chapter concludes by discussing the solutions and recommendations for effectively implementing and maintaining the trending technology in higher education. When discussing new technologies there are additional requirements, such as handling uncertainty in higher education and a decrease in funding which influences the budget for these new technologies.
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