Education Reform to Attain SDG4: A Broad Overview

Education Reform to Attain SDG4: A Broad Overview

Hamizah Haidi, Jainatul Halida Jaidin
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8903-1.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores a small country's efforts to achieve the fourth United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4). Many nations, including Brunei, strive to offer high-quality education. In doing so, policies and strategies have been introduced and put into effect in order to accomplish SDG4 targets. By thematically analysing educational policies and mapping them to all SDG4 targets, the current study sheds light on Brunei's progress toward SDG4. Overall, the findings indicate that Brunei is making steady strides toward providing high-quality education. It is also interesting to note that Brunei advanced despite the COVID-19 outbreak by implementing policies that ensure equitable access. In conclusion, through initiatives and ongoing partnerships, the Ministry of Education will work methodically and thoroughly to meet SDG4 targets by 2030, which calls for high-quality education as the basis of sustainable development and better living conditions. The discussion of findings in this chapter may assist policymakers identify policies that can close gaps in meeting SDG4 targets.
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Literature Review

Provision of Quality Education in Brunei Darussalam

Quality education has always been Brunei’s priority and this is shown through the execution of three major educational policies (Mundia, 2010) over the past twenty-five years (1997-2022). The implementation of SPN21 brought substantial changes to educational practices throughout Brunei, aimed at achieving the Brunei Vision 2035 (Wawasan Brunei 2035). Three (3) strategic objectives were listed by Brunei’s Ministry of Education ‘to deliver holistic education to achieve fullest potential for all’ (Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam, 2018, p. 9):

  • A.

    Transform our organisation human resource towards a performance-driven culture

  • B.

    Provide equal and equitable access to quality education

  • C.

    Enhance shared accountability with stakeholders in the development of teaching and learning

The second strategic objective is directly linked to SDG4. The main strategy is to systematically improve access to quality education and learning, giving priority to universal and inclusive education. This strategy has been translated into several initiatives, including promoting quality early childhood education; strengthening the delivery of basic education; improving the quality and access to post-secondary education; improving the inclusion of students at risk and disadvantage at all levels of education; and finally improving opportunities for life-long learning. (Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam, 2018, p. 27).

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