Education and Business: Prospects for Cooperation – Psychological Analysis of Resources and Lack of Understanding

Education and Business: Prospects for Cooperation – Psychological Analysis of Resources and Lack of Understanding

Tatiana Klimova
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6951-0.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The chapter is devoted to the research of interaction between business structures and educational institutions. The current state of the problem is described through the analysis of the sociocultural situation, features of communication, and behavioral stereotypes. The reasons for impeding and facilitating their successful interaction are considered. The work is based on a series of interviews with representatives of the business community, education, and university students. The results obtained suggest possible forms of effective cooperation and formulate a number of recommendations.
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Leave in every sound

And in each comma

Exaggerated hands

And sober experience.

(Tarkovsky, 1993)

Do not try me on two ambassadors

Words are without meaning,

Sense is without words.

(Asmolov, 2018)

The text in this chapter is the result of the pilot phase of the study, devoted to the interaction of business structures and educational institutions. During the preparation of the materials, several focus groups were held with representatives of the business community, the education sector and students of colleges and universities. As a result of the series of discussions held in the groups, information was obtained that allows describing the current state of the problem through analysis of the sociocultural situation, features of communication, behavioral stereotypes. Consideration of the reasons that impede successful interaction allows us to formulate a number of recommendations, suggest possible forms of effective cooperation.



The impulse to this research was the initial contradiction between the real demand of modern society for preparing young people for independent professional activity and the impossibility of educational institutions to fully implement this request. The basis of this problem is the lack of continuity between educational organizations and business structures. To study the specifics of interaction between business communities and educational structures, it is necessary to analyze the actual socio-cultural situation, as well as study the features of communication between business and education representatives, and describe the most common behavioral stereotypes. Five focus groups were conducted to implement these goals:

  • The business community was represented by 9 middle managers;

  • Educational Community: 10 participants from the number of faculty members of employees of higher educational institutions of Moscow;

  • Students: three groups of 6 students of elementary courses of Moscow universities and college graduation courses.

  • Focus groups were formed from the number of active participants in roundtables and seminars devoted to the discussion of the problems of interaction between educational institutions and business communities. The following topics were discussed in the groups:

    • o

      Possible strategies for interaction between education and business;

    • o

      The reasons for the successful interaction of education and business;

    • o

      Points of mutual interest in education and business.

In the groups of students, questions were also considered about students' readiness for further professional activity, for participation in business projects.

The result of the conducted groups was the following reflection.


Possible Strategies For Interaction Between Business And Education

This section was considered through the prism of two questions. Which of the following strategies of interaction between business and education is most desirable for you? Which of the following strategies of interaction between business and education are most often realized?

There were four options:

  • Use.

  • Management.

  • Partnership.

  • Absorption.

For business, it was desirable - partnership and leadership, and most often realized - use (business education).

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