Education 5.0: Navigating the Future of Learning

Education 5.0: Navigating the Future of Learning

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3041-8.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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“Steering Through Tomorrow's Educational Wave'' provides a deep understanding of the areas of impact Education 5.0 is going to have within the learning environment of the future. This part is linked to the new technologies and evermore developing methods of educating, as well as newly appearing needs in society. Hence, this chapter concentrates on the changes the transformation of traditional educational strategies and tactics by Schooling 5.0 entails. Crucial topics include education that is customized to the relevant person, learning for life, the usage implementation of cutting-edge educational technology tools, the skills needed for the 21st-century skills, cooperation partnership cultures, equality and inclusion, and being able to change and adapt. As presented throughout the article in a complex form; this chapter is going to provide information based on sailing medical pills through the mazes of education as a student to get acquainted.
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