Education 5.0 in the Context of Teaching Accounting

Education 5.0 in the Context of Teaching Accounting

Conceição Aleixo, Susana Silva, Teresa Godinho
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9039-6.ch007
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Higher education institutions play a crucial role in the teaching-learning process as they are primarily responsible for preparing students for their entry into the business environment. The aim of this study is to assess students' perceptions of a new teaching approach and its impact on their personal and professional development. At the level of course coordination, the findings will inform reflections on which pedagogical practices should be implemented to align with the student-focused teaching paradigm and the implementation of an Education 5.0 framework in the bachelor's degree program in accounting and finance at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal. The research employs a qualitative analysis approach, and the main results indicate that participants recognize the importance of Education 5.0 for their personal and professional development as certified accountants.
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2. Literature Review

The development of human society has had different stages, as shown in Figure 1. The concept of a creative society began to be discussed after the emergence of digital transformation. Society 5.0 aims to create a human-centred society that is capable of dealing with constant social changes. In this sense, multidisciplinary research and collaborative work become fundamental (Kabakuş et al., 2023).

Figure 1.

Development of human society

Source: Adapted from Nakanishi and Kitano (2018)

Hence, it is reasonable to conclude with the assertion that Education 5.0 should play a crucial function in all higher education institutions, regardless of whether they are public or private.

Higher education institutions have a privileged responsibility in knowledge dissemination and, therefore, should not only prepare professionals for their respective fields but also strive to meet knowledge society expectations (Vale et al., 2014).

Indeed, according to Akturk et al. (2023), “Universities . . . should be at the forefront of this development process” as leading information and technology systems, “in line with the goal of a society that absorbs information and uses technology efficiently” (p. 581).

Education 5.0, designed for the near future, fosters the development of essential skills, including creativity, critical thinking, generating new ideas, virtual collaboration, risk-taking, courage, and resilience (Bastos et al., 2019). Education 5.0 is distinguished by several competencies that set it apart from the traditional educational model, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Education 5.0

Source: Own elaboration.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Education 5.0: Is a modern educational paradigm that integrates advanced technology, personalized learning, and the development of critical skills, emphasizing individual empowerment, creativity, and adaptability to prepare learners for the challenges of the digital age. It stands for a transformative approach to learning that harnesses the power of information, innovation, and communication technologies to cultivate not only traditional knowledge but also critical soft skills. It places a strong emphasis on active, student-centred methodologies, where learners engage with a wealth of digital information to bring creativity up, solving problems, and promote adaptability. In this collaborative environment, students are invited to work together using communication technologies, sharpening their teamwork and interpersonal abilities as they prepare for a future where the ability to innovate is paramount to evolve.

Collaborative Work: Promotes a learning environment where students actively engage with their peers, leveraging technology, and developing a variety of necessary skills for nowadays workforce. It fosters not only academic growth but also social and interpersonal skills development, fundamental for improving success in an increasingly interconnected and friendly world. We may describe active methodology in the context of Education 5.0 as using interdependence and cooperation, diverse perspectives, team projects and activities, communication skills, project management, peer learning, conflict resolution, as well as global collaboration and preparation for the workplace.

Soft Skills: Are essential interpersonal and cognitive abilities, such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, critical thinking, and empathy, which play a crucial role in Education 5.0. In this educational paradigm, soft skills are emphasized as vital competencies for students to develop alongside traditional knowledge. Education 5.0 recognizes that nurturing these skills prepares learners to thrive in a complex, digitally driven world, where effective communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence are key to success, innovation, and lifelong learning.

Innovation: In the context of Education 5.0, refers to the creative and forward-thinking adoption of new and emerging technologies, pedagogical methods, and educational approaches to enhance the learning experience. It involves design and implementation of novel solutions that improve educational outcomes, promote personalized learning, and prepare students with the skills and competencies needed for the rapidly changing demands of the digital age.

Communication Technologies: Refer to the use of various digital tools and platforms that facilitate communication, collaboration, and information sharing in the field of education. Education 5.0 represents an advanced stage of education that leverages technology to enhance the learning experience and prepare individuals for the challenges of the digital age. Communication technologies in Education 5.0 cover a extensive assortment of digital tools and platforms, including but not limited to online learning platforms, video conferencing tools, social media, messaging apps, collaborative tools, email, blogs and wikis, discussion forums and online communities, as well as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

Information: Can be defined, in the context of Education 5.0, as data, facts, knowledge, and content that is relevant, accurate, and meaningful for learning and problem-solving. It is not just about the accumulation of data but also about its transformation into valuable knowledge and insights. It includes various forms of contents that both educators as learners may use to acquire, process, and apply knowledge in innovative and personalized ways. Information in Education 5.0 is typically accessed and distributed through digital technologies, enabling more flexible and tailored learning experiences.

Active Methodology: Is a learner-centric approach focused on student engagement, critical thinking, and technology assimilation, in order to achieve dynamic and effective learning experiences. We may describe active methodology in the context of Education 5.0 as using Hands-On and Experiential Learning, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Active Participation, Continuous Assessment and Feedback, Creativity and Innovation, Inclusive and Diverse Learning Environments.

Accounting: It's a recording system that helps organizations to keep economic and financial movements coherent, making it easier to make effective management decisions. It involves not only recording, but also summarizing, and reporting financial transactions to help managers to keep on track assets, liabilities, costs, and earnings.

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