Educating Women on Cyberfeminism: A Solution-Oriented Approach to Cybercrime

Educating Women on Cyberfeminism: A Solution-Oriented Approach to Cybercrime

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8893-5.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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Cyberfeminism is one that makes the relationship between cyberspace, information and communication technology, and the internet in general. Living in the 21st century we still haven't been able to do justice in giving parity to women as a gender in cyberspace. Hence empowering women for their emancipation in this platform has become the need of the hour. Women are having to face the brunt of such blatant misuse of the cyberspace. There is an intrinsic relation of cyber security with gender violence. Women have been at the receiving end of the stick facing the brunt of gender discrimination even in the virtual world where their extortion and harassment is seen often in opposition to the pledge of the internet for neutrality and equality. Hence, a solution-oriented approach is the need of the hour as has been elucidated in the chapter, connecting the dots and linking every other issue in cyber security to master the art of living in the digital space, deriving optimum output from the same without being masqueraded by the pretentious elements with ulterior motives.
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Literature Review

The convergence of cyberfeminism and cybercrime presents a distinct and urgent challenge in the digital age. Cybercrime encompasses a wide range of illicit activities, such as hacking, online harassment, identity theft, and cyberbullying. Unfortunately, women bear a disproportionate brunt of cybercrime, experiencing gender-based violence and harassment in online spaces. To effectively tackle this issue, it is imperative to adopt a proactive approach that empowers women through cyberfeminism and education. This literature review delves into existing research and insights concerning the education of women on cyberfeminism, aiming to combat cybercrime and promote digital empowerment. Numerous studies have shed light on the gendered nature of cybercrime victimization. Women are more vulnerable to online harassment, revenge porn, stalking, and other forms of gender-based digital violence. Scholars emphasize the need for targeted interventions to address these disparities effectively.

Cyberfeminism, a contemporary feminist theory, explores the interplay between gender, technology, and society. It encourages women to actively participate in digital spaces and advocate for their rights. This literature review explores the historical development of cyberfeminism, highlighting its potential to challenge patriarchal structures and foster inclusivity (Toto & Scarinci, 2021).

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