Economic Implications of Virtual Goods and Digital Assets in the Scope of Metaverse: An Analysis

Economic Implications of Virtual Goods and Digital Assets in the Scope of Metaverse: An Analysis

V. Suganya, V. Sasirekha
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1866-9.ch003
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The advent of the metaverse has ushered in a new era of digital interaction, fundamentally reshaping the global economy. This research analysis delves into the economic implications of virtual goods and digital assets within the metaverse, shedding light on the complex dynamics that underpin this emerging digital economy. First the authors explore the metaverse as a thriving marketplace for virtual goods, investigating the factors driving demand and pricing mechanisms for these intangible assets. They analyse the impact of scarcity, digital scarcity, and blockchain-based ownership systems on the valuation and trade of virtual assets. Second, the research investigates the interplay between the metaverse's digital economy and the traditional world economy. They examine the emergence of virtual jobs, income streams, and the taxation challenges associated with this new form of work. Third, this study scrutinizes the role of virtual assets and metaverse platforms in reshaping advertising, marketing, and branding strategies.
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Objectives Of The Study

  • To investigate how virtual goods and digital assets in the metaverse challenge conventional notions of ownership and property rights.

  • To explore their implications on intellectual property, digital property rights, and legal frameworks.

  • To examine the diverse monetization avenues within the metaverse, including virtual commerce, content creation, and virtual events, and evaluate how these strategies impact individuals, content creators, and businesses.

  • To assess the role and influence of virtual marketplaces and platforms as intermediaries for virtual asset exchange, including their impact on economic activities and regulatory oversight.

  • To investigate the integration of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and NFTs within the metaverse.

  • To analyze their impact on financial systems, investment opportunities, and cross-border transactions.

  • To explore the emergence of virtual job markets and the digital gig economy within the metaverse.

  • To assess how these dynamics are reshaping employment opportunities and income generation.

  • To Study the potential for virtual goods and digital assets to bridge or exacerbate societal disparities, including issues related to access, affordability, and participation in the metaverse economy.

  • To evaluate the complex regulatory and taxation issues surrounding virtual assets within the metaverse, with a focus on implications for government revenue, consumer protection, and market stability.

  • To Offer policy recommendations for governments and regulatory bodies to adapt to the changing economic landscape of the metaverse, promoting innovation, economic stability, and consumer protection.

  • To Anticipate potential future trends and developments in the metaverse's economic ecosystem, considering how they may impact individuals, businesses, and government agencies.

  • To Contribute to the body of knowledge by providing valuable insights and data on the economic implications of virtual goods and digital assets in the metaverse, which can be used for both academic research and practical decision-making.

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