Economic Growth and Blockchain Technology Inferences in E-Mobility

Economic Growth and Blockchain Technology Inferences in E-Mobility

A. Ravisankar, S. Alamelu Mangai, P. Saravanan, S Venkat Raman, D. Ramya, Boopa Sharma
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2643-5.ch007
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The chapter explores the link between economic growth and blockchain technology in the e-mobility sector, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between these forces. Economic growth drives the adoption of e-mobility solutions, as economies focus on sustainability, efficiency, and reducing carbon emissions. E-mobility offers eco-friendly alternatives to traditional vehicles, driven by government subsidies, consumer demand, and technological advancements. Blockchain technology can transform e-mobility ecosystems by addressing infrastructure management, interoperability, and data security challenges. It can streamline transactions, enable peer-to-peer energy trading, and facilitate transparent supply chains. The chapter also highlights the potential of integrating blockchain into e-mobility infrastructure to improve efficiency, reduce operational costs, and mitigate environmental impact. It emphasizes the importance of public-private partnerships and regulatory frameworks in fostering blockchain-enabled e-mobility ecosystem growth.
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The intersection of economic growth and blockchain technology within the realm of e-mobility presents a compelling narrative for sustainable development and technological innovation. Economic growth, driven by a myriad of factors including technological advancements, consumer demand, and government policies, has long been recognized as a key driver of societal progress. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on fostering economic growth in a manner that is both sustainable and inclusive, with a focus on reducing environmental impact and promoting resource efficiency. This has led to increased attention on sectors such as e-mobility, which offer promising solutions to address pressing global challenges such as climate change and urban congestion (Grzesiak & Sulich, 2023).

Blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger system, has the potential to revolutionize industries like transportation and logistics. Its immutable, tamper-proof nature makes it ideal for trust, transparency, and data security. In e-mobility, blockchain can streamline transactions, improve data management, and create new business models, making it a disruptive force in the industry. E-mobility is crucial for a sustainable transportation system, as traditional fossil fuel vehicles contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. E-mobility, which includes electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and services, offers a viable solution to mitigate environmental impact and reduce dependence on finite fossil fuel resources, thereby accelerating the adoption of cleaner and more efficient alternatives (Paiva et al., 2021).

The e-mobility sector is experiencing economic growth due to the growing recognition of sustainable transportation benefits. Governments worldwide are implementing policies and incentives to encourage EV adoption and infrastructure development, including subsidies, tax incentives, and charging infrastructure investments. Advancements in battery technology and decreasing costs make electric vehicles more affordable and attractive to consumers. Blockchain technology can revolutionize e-mobility ecosystems, enhancing economic growth and innovation. It streamlines transactions, improves supply chain transparency, and facilitates peer-to-peer energy trading. Blockchain-enabled smart contracts automate and secure transactions in EV charging, leasing, and maintenance, reducing administrative overhead and fostering trust between parties (Khamis, n.d.).

The integration of economic growth and blockchain technology in e-mobility presents a unique opportunity for sustainable development and technological innovation. By leveraging economic incentives, technological advancements, and collaborative initiatives, stakeholders can accelerate the transition towards a more efficient transportation system. The following chapters will explore the economic drivers, applications, and synergies between these technologies, offering insights into future trends and opportunities (Desai et al., 2023).

Economic growth, measured by GDP, is a crucial indicator of a nation's prosperity and development. It involves increased productivity, innovation, investment, and consumption. It improves living standards, reduces poverty, and creates employment opportunities. Economic growth also influences social mobility, technological advancement, and environmental sustainability. However, traditional measures often overlook the environmental and social costs of unsustainable development practices. As a result, there is a growing recognition of the need for sustainable economic growth that balances economic prosperity with environmental protection and social equity (Serohi, 2022).

Blockchain technology, initially used for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, has evolved into a powerful tool with applications across various industries. It is a decentralized, distributed ledger system that enables secure and transparent transactions without intermediaries. Each transaction is recorded in a 'block' linked to previous blocks, creating an immutable and tamper-proof chronological chain. Blockchain technology is ideal for applications requiring trust, transparency, and security due to its decentralization, immutability, and transparency, allowing all network participants to access and verify transaction data (Yaqoob et al., 2023).

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