Eco-Friendly Smart Agricultural Process Using Artificial Intelligence: Economic Benefits

Eco-Friendly Smart Agricultural Process Using Artificial Intelligence: Economic Benefits

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2351-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The integration of eco-friendly practices with smart agricultural processes, facilitated by artificial intelligence (AI), offers significant economic benefits to the agricultural sector. This approach optimizes resource utilization, mitigates environmental impact, and streamlines operations. The benefits include cost savings, enhanced efficiency, and increased yields, while promoting environmental stewardship. The economic implications for stakeholders across the agricultural value chain, including farmers, suppliers, and consumers, are also discussed. Case studies and empirical evidence demonstrate how AI-driven smart agriculture drives economic growth, fosters resilience, and contributes to long-term sustainability goals. The chapter highlights the transformative potential of this convergence and its potential to drive economic growth and sustainability. The chapter explores the benefits of AI-driven smart agriculture, including cost savings, increased efficiency, and increased yields, while promoting environmental stewardship.
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In order to fulfill rising demands for food, fiber, and fuel while addressing environmental issues, sustainable agriculture—powered by AI technologies—is essential. These methods increase yields, reduce their negative effects on the environment, and optimize resource usage. Farmers may increase production and profitability by using data analytics and prediction algorithms to make well-informed decisions. Smart farming methods that are environmentally friendly are becoming more and more profitable, which makes them a viable alternative for the world's food supply (Tomar & Kaur, 2021).

Eco-friendly smart agriculture minimizes expenses and harm to the environment by optimizing inputs like water, fertilizer, and pesticides using AI-driven insights. AI-driven pest management technologies reduce the need for chemicals, while precision irrigation systems monitor soil moisture levels in real time. Eco-friendly methods increase productivity by allowing farmers to keep an eye on their crops, identify problems early, and respond quickly to address them. By freeing up time and resources to concentrate on higher-value activities, farmers may automate repetitive chores and increase productivity and competitiveness in the agricultural industry(Sajith et al., 2022).

Using AI to drive smart agriculture, planting techniques, crop rotations, and soil management are optimized to maximize agricultural yields and quality. With the use of this technology, farmers may predict and reduce risks associated with weather patterns and environmental factors, enhancing crop quality and yields and eventually driving up market prices (Nwankwo et al., 2022). Artificial intelligence-driven eco-friendly smart agriculture minimizes environmental damage, reduces the use of hazardous chemicals, and supports sustainable agricultural methods, all of which have positive social and economic effects. By protecting biodiversity and natural resources, this strategy guarantees future generations' access to food. Modern technologies encourage production, efficiency, and sustainability, strengthening the agriculture industry's resilience. In this quickly developing subject, more research will examine case studies, stakeholder perspectives, possibilities, problems, and future trends(Aroonsrimorakot et al., 2021).

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to satisfy present demands without endangering the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own. It encourages social justice, financial success, and environmental responsibility in the agriculture industry. In an era marked by resource depletion, population increase, and climate change, sustainable agriculture plays a critical role in ensuring food security, mitigating environmental effects, and building resilient rural economies. Conventional methods, such as integrated pest control, crop rotation, conservation tillage, and organic farming, are repurposed to improve ecosystem resilience, replenish soil fertility, and preserve water(Aroonsrimorakot et al., 2021).

AI has allowed farmers to gather, evaluate, and act upon massive quantities of data for improved crop selection, planting schedules, irrigation management, and pest control. Sustainable agriculture has benefited greatly from these technological advances. Precision farming methods, such as the use of drones, GPS-guided tractors, and sensors, minimize environmental effect by cutting greenhouse gas emissions and waste, as well as enhancing financial returns for farmers (Aroonsrimorakot et al., 2021).

Predictive analytics driven by AI is essential for managing risks in agriculture and making decisions. AI algorithms can foresee future hazards and possibilities by examining historical data on weather patterns, soil conditions, insect outbreaks, and market trends. This enables farmers to plan strategically for planting and selling crops by anticipating crop illnesses and pest infestations (Shelare et al., 2023). Technology is revolutionizing the agriculture industry by encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation, which boosts the economy and creates jobs. Solutions including aquaponics, vertical farming systems, blockchain-based supply chain platforms, and farm-to-table markets are being developed by startups and IT corporations. Farmers now have access to new markets and increased production and efficiency thanks to this technology. Technology and sustainable agriculture are intertwined; AI, precision agricultural methods, and predictive analytics improve operations and support environmental sustainability(Indira et al., 2023).

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