Early Stage Diagnosis of Eye Herpes (NAGIN) by Machine Learning and Image Processing Technique: Detection and Recognition of Eye Herpes (NAGIN) by Using CAD System Analysis

Early Stage Diagnosis of Eye Herpes (NAGIN) by Machine Learning and Image Processing Technique: Detection and Recognition of Eye Herpes (NAGIN) by Using CAD System Analysis

Kakasaheb Rangnarh Nikam
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6291-1.ch073
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Eyes are very important parts of the body. Automatic eye detection is must to diagnose various eye disease including Herpes (Nagin) in early stages. Type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) may damaging the eye and causing permanent eyesight problems. Herpes keratitis, commonly known as eye herpes, is an inflammation of the cornea, the clear dome that covers the front part of the eye. The proposed method potentially reduce workload on eye doctors and increase the efficiency of limited healthcare resources.
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Whenever we visit Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) he/she examine our eyes with a magnifier. He may put stain on the front of our eye. It shows any irregular areas on the transparent front part of the eye (Figure 1). Due to Herpes (Nagin) Simplex infection, shows small scratch on the cornea. There is ulcer develop which called as dendritic ulcer. Dendritic means Branching.

Figure 1.

Eye from the front


As shown in Figure 2, ulcer is not round with a smooth edge, but like a tree with many finger-like branches. We must urgently referred to an ophthalmologist (eye specialist). They immediately start appropriate treatment.

Figure 2.

Levels of herpes simplex infections


The eye is one of the most important sensory organs in the human body. Eye disease is a common health issues around the world.

If ophthalmic data is properly collected and analysis is done, it provides a way to detect Herpes (Nagin) in early stages.

Research shows “the findings in the left eye are generally likely to be more similar to those in the right eye of the same individual”.

Type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1), eye herpes (ocular herpes) is a common, recurrent viral infection affecting the eyes. This type of herpes virus can cause inflammation and scarring of the cornea that sometimes is referred to as a cold sore on the eye.

Herpes (Nagin) “is a virus that causes cold sores, that also causes eye infections. This virus lives inside the nerves in your face and can travel down the nerves to your eye.” It may damage your eye and causing permanent eyesight problems.

The purpose of paper is to study the ways available to detect Herpes (Nagin) in early stages by applying image processing techniques.

The Herpes Simplex Virus enters the body through the nose or mouth and travels into the nerves, where it may be inactive. The virus can remain dormant for years and may never wake up.

The exact cause of an outbreak is unknown, but stress-related factors such as fever, sunburn, major dental or surgical procedures and trauma are often associated with incidents.

The cornea (front part of the eye) is infected first is called as Keratitis. i.e. infection of Cornea.

When infection is in superficial layer(top) of cornea, is called epithelial keratitis.

But if dipper layer of cornea is involved, it is called stromal keratitis.

Impact After Nagin (Herpes)

Vision is good enough to drive in about 9 in 10 eyes. However severe and recurrent infections may lead to impairment vision and even severe sight impairment in some cases. Then only option is corneal transplant to restore vision.

Type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus “is a virus that causes cold sores, that also causes eye infections. This virus lives inside the nerves in our face and can travel down the nerves to our eye.” Image processing is having significance for disease detection on infected eyes. With help of image processing and machine learning techniques, it is possible to automate and/or assist Ophthalmologist in diagnosis. Patients eye vision is saved if the Herpes is identified at an early stage. The regular practice consists of the acquisition and study of colour images of the eye, currently acquired non-invasively by an Ophthalmologist. With the large number of patients performing eye examinations in an ordinary way, this added work represents a time-consuming task for the Ophthalmologist, who must analyze and diagnose each one of them (Rojas et al., 2017). Figure 3 shows the virus in the eye.

Figure 3.

Herpes virus in eye


Herpes simplex keratitis is an infection of the cornea caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Herpes keratitis, commonly known as eye herpes, is an inflammation of the cornea, the clear dome that covers the front part of the eye. Symptoms and signs of a reactivation include eye pain, blurred vision, tearing, redness, and sensitivity to bright light. Rarely, the infection worsens and the cornea swells, making vision even more hazy.

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