E-Mobility in Electrical Energy Systems for Sustainability

E-Mobility in Electrical Energy Systems for Sustainability

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2611-4.ch002
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The integration of e-mobility into electrical energy systems stands as a transformative initiative with profound implications for sustainability in the transportation sector. This study explores the multifaceted aspects of e-mobility, emphasizing its role in reducing reliance on fossil fuels, decreasing emissions, and promoting cleaner and more sustainable transportation solutions. Key considerations include the electrification of transportation, integration of energy storage, development of smart charging infrastructure, challenges and enhancements to the electrical grid, synergy with renewable energy sources, environmental benefits, lifecycle assessment, policy and incentives, and ongoing technological advancements. By delving into these aspects, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between e-mobility and electrical energy systems, contributing valuable insights to the broader discourse on sustainable transportation.
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1. Introduction

The surge in e-mobility is a direct response to the urgent environmental concerns associated with traditional fossil fuel-dependent transportation. Given that the transport sector significantly contributes to carbon emissions and air pollution, the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) emerges as a strategic measure to address these environmental challenges. This section provides a succinct overview of the historical background propelling the emergence of e-mobility as a transformative solution.

The imperative for implementing electric mobility (e-mobility) becomes increasingly apparent, given its pivotal role in the ongoing discourse on the future of transportation. The transport sector, responsible for over 25% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions, demands resolute action by governments worldwide to combat global warming and align with the objectives of the Paris Agreement (Bleicher, A., & Pehlken, A. (Eds.). (2020)). Additionally, the substantial contribution of the transportation sector to local air pollutants results in seven million premature deaths annually. Acknowledged as a decisive solution, e-mobility is considered essential for reshaping mobility to align with sustainable development goals and decarbonization objectives (Ruggieri, R., et al (2021)).

Despite this recognition, ongoing debates revolve around the optimal policy framework for the integrated and sustainable adoption of electric mobility. This chapter aims to assist public policymakers at various levels—international, national, regional, and local—in accelerating the development of sustainable electric mobility. The objective is to formulate actionable recommendations for different policy levels while considering the suitability of various e-mobility models based on local circumstances.

Drawing insights from the Catalogue of Policy Measures (CPM) in the Global Roadmap of Action toward Sustainable Mobility (GRA), encompassing over 180 tested policy measures globally, this paper specifically delves into policy measure 116, focusing on “integrating new mobility solutions into existing transport.” The explored associated measures include “establishing electric vehicle manufacturing mandates,” “supporting vehicle connectivity and smart charging regulations,” “utilizing public procurement to enhance vehicle electrification,” “developing infrastructure for road transport electrification,” “investing in railway electrification,” “facilitating public discourse on new mobility solutions,” “supporting research and development to optimize the life cycle of vehicle batteries,” and “educating users about new sustainable solutions.”The chapter is divided into three primary sections: the first introduces electric mobility as an integral component of sustainable mobility, the second delineates seven essential building blocks for successful public policy closely linked to measures in the CPM, and the last provides actionable policy recommendations for international, national, and local institutions to support the scaling up of sustainable electric mobility in the short and medium term.

A global analysis underscores the indispensability of sustainable mobility in achieving development and climate goals. The emphasis is on the notion that e-mobility transcends electric cars, emphasizing the need to contemplate all transport modes for feasibility. An advocated comprehensive approach includes the electrification of the existing fleet, greening of the grid, and promotion of modal shifts to realize the substantial benefits of electric mobility while contributing to sustainable mobility development (Sovacool, B. K., Kester, et al. (2019)). An examination of existing barriers reveals a diverse range, including policy and legislative hindrances, knowledge gaps, market and financial challenges, and technical obstacles. Addressing these barriers mandates a coordinated set of interventions at various levels—international, national, and local. Consequently, the document defines seven essential building blocks for successful public policy, laying the groundwork for policy recommendations across different decision-making levels. These building blocks are categorized into three action fields: vision, policy, and implementation, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The three action fields encompass seven essential building blocks


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