E-Learning: But Missing Semantics

E-Learning: But Missing Semantics

Rajiv Pandey, Nidhi Srivastava, Amit Kumar Bajpai
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9285-7.ch014
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E-learning is the use of technology to enable people to learn at any time and from anywhere. It is quick, relevant, and ever-changing, and it might include training and the transfer of just-in-time information, and expert advice. Semantic web technology, which allows machine-processable content to coexist and supplement the present web, makes it easier for computers and people to work together. Semantic web technology offers a wide range of applications. E-learning is one of the areas where this new web technology could be beneficial. This chapter gives an overview of e-learning and its necessity. It discusses at length semantic web technologies and how they can be utilized to develop an e-learning environment.
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E-learning, often known as online learning or web-based learning, is a type of learning that takes place via electronic devices. In this we can get online education with the help of computers and multimedia mobile phones (Pandit, 2009). A current trend is the incorporation of modern e-learning tools and techniques, as well as emerging and innovative technologies, into school education (Pan et al., 2007). The forms of e-education includes web-based education, mobile-based education, virtual classroom webinars, etc. E-learning is education delivered via the internet. It is just one type of “distance learning”, which refers to any type of learning that takes place over a long distance rather than in a traditional study hall. There are several sorts of distance learning programs available today, including:

  • Distance programs: very little collaboration, run through regular mail

  • Tele-courses: Where the information is delivered by radio or transmission.

  • DVD/CD Courses: where the understudy connects with the desktop.

  • E-learning: Internet-based courses are offered simultaneously or potentially not concurrently.

  • By Mobile technology: through gadgets such as cellular phones, PDA's, etc.

People have started to like e-learning a lot and it has changed the form of online education itself. The Internet has completely affected human life, which means that they can not only download audio and videos through the Internet but also chat, so email messaging, and video calls; the exchange of information is easily done.

In this chapter, we have discussed various techniques that describe the corresponding teaching as multimedia teaching, telematic teaching, and teaching via the Internet (Ismail et al., 2007). Through this, teachers and students can easily get education while staying in their homes. It also discusses the importance of e-learning systems and various e-learning system associates, such as content writers, reviewers, presentation/template designers, and MIS managers. Internet is a source of vast knowledge. But, extracting the right content from the Internet is important. The semantic web can be used to scale or enhance an e-learning system for semantic rendering. The semantic web includes everything needed for e-learning. This chapter highlights that educational ontologies can be constructed in the semantic web that answer questions raised by students by deriving knowledge from existing datasets and queries while also deriving knowledge from existing rules and logic incorporated in the same. This can also assist teacher educators in responding to queries based on real-life scenarios rather than the traditional academic method.



Electronic learning is acquiring education with the help of electronic devices and digital media. It is being encouraged by everyone in today's present time due to the increasing trend of the Internet and especially after the COVID. It provides online content that can be accessed at any time and from any location using a variety of electronic learning solutions. The cloud's storage as a service approach aid in the storage of e-content assets in a dispersed setting so that they can be retrieved quickly. In the present e-learning model, students receive the material and are then assessed to determine their learning. However, E-learning frameworks should make use of semantic services and compatibility. The use of emerging semantic web technologies, as well as the delivery of learning materials via e-learning portals, can provide flexibility in e-learning systems.

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