E-Learning Environment: A New Quality of the Resource Base

E-Learning Environment: A New Quality of the Resource Base

Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9489-7.ch036
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This chapter discusses the problems of electronic educational resources quality in terms of modern professional competencies shaping in E-Learning Environment. The importance of these problems due to the fact that modern society requires specialists who are not only professionally trained, but also use the “long life learning” strategy in professional self-development. Therefore, electronic resources should provide not only learning conditions for required knowledge and skills, but also have potential for customized information learning strategies generation, for planning personal achievements, self-development and self-realization. There are different evaluation procedures for digital educational resources quality inclusive two main aspects: technical specifications and instructional design. It is proposed to take into account in the evaluation system additional aspect (scorecard), which characterizes the personalization of student's educational activities, organized on the basis of electronic resources interaction. This set includes indicators of electronic educational resources quality, reflecting their ability to promote personal significant results, measured from the perspective of motivation, implementation of personal cognitive (education) requirements, disclosure of creativity and self-actualization. Conventionally, this group can be called “personalization indicators”. Adaptation of such indicators group improves the quality of electronic educational resources by increasing the multiplicity and flexibility of their use in different educational contexts, taking into account the results of student's productive information activity and the diverse of their educational and informational needs and preferences.
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Under the influence of number of social and cultural factors (intensification of information processes, changes in society demanded educational outcomes, the expansion of information services market) traditional linear text educational materials can’t no longer be the sole source of information in the learning process. They are used in combination with a variety of digital resources utilizing new forms of knowledge representation, realizing multiform technology possibilities of interaction with information.

E-learning environment as entire complex of information conditions should be designed to provide the educational process with the priorities of student’s personal development focusing on innovative processes in society, education and professional space. In the process of modern competencies shaping the variety of flexible educational activities, based on perspective ways to interact with educational resources should be applied (Noskova & Pavlova, 2012).

Remote collaboration without direct teacher’s influence in the classroom increases independence and responsibility of the student. The leading role is playing by his motives, cognitive needs, psychological characteristics and preferences. In other words, the space of educational opportunities should take into account a wide range of educational needs. Also educational environment should reflect the trends of changing profession space. Thus special requirements to the most important component of e-learning environment - digital educational resources are shaping. The transition from the classical schemes, involving the development of well-established knowledge, to the algorithms that are consistent with the goals of personalized formation of professionally significant competences coupled with the number of problems. These problems are directly related to the discipline content, representation knowledge forms and educational resources interaction modes. In this context, digital educational resources are considered to be not only knowledge basis, but the means for the active practice. To achieve professional and socially significant competencies student needs to be involved in different kinds of activities (information activities) that contribute to his smooth entry into a broad professional environment (Noskova, 2007). From this perspective, the appointment of electronic educational resources is much broader than means to provide a convenient and unlimited access to learning materials.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Algorithm of Educational Interactions: Sequence of actions, summarizing the typical features and generalized images of computer-tools based interactive tasks solutions.

Educational Interactions: The key component of any educational environment, representing joint activities and communication of educational environment participants. It is implemented in a dialectical unity of information form and content (educational resources), social experience transfer (communication) and management of this process (control).

Activity Approach to Educational Interactions: According to this approach, educational interactions are considered as special types of human activities, directed to other people as subjects of interactions and reflected in E-learning environment.

E-Learning Environment: Software telecommunications environment, which provides technological means to conduct the educational process, its information support and documentation in the Internet to any number of educational institutions, regardless of their professional expertise and level of education.

Digital Educational Resources: A set of software, information, technical and organizational support, that reflects a certain subject area and implements the technology for its study by different learning activities.

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