E-Government Security and Privacy Issues: Challenges and Preventive Approaches

E-Government Security and Privacy Issues: Challenges and Preventive Approaches

Imdad Ali Shah, Sobia Wassan, Muhammad Hamza Usmani
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9624-1.ch004
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In developing technology, hackers are actively collecting personal information. To achieve their goals and acquire simple access to information about any individual, they use a range of methods and techniques. A privacy breach occurs when hackers gain access to complete information without the user's permission. Threats and dangers to security can arise for a variety of reasons, including technological flaws and targeted attacks. The government provides digital public facilities to people and the business community. Consumers have the expectation that e-government provides security and protects their data and personal information. Users have expressed concerns about their personal data privacy and safety. The main object of this chapter is to give strategies for IT specialists and e-government services because they need continuous improvement in privacy and security issues. The findings of this chapter may be useful to new researchers and may aid in the avoidance of security breaches and privacy issues.
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As the number of developed nations grows, the business and survival rates have each increased in recent years. Government has to make its internet service systems more robust. The idea of e-government, in general, might save time and resources by establishing communication between the public and government bodies. These are closely related concepts that are frequently used interchangeably. According to numerous reports, privacy violations in services for e-government have increased in the recent past. According to the UK administration's 2019 Cyber Security Breaches Survey, roughly 32% of businesses and 22% of charities reported cyber security breaches or assaults in 2019, including phishing, viruses, malware, ransomware attacks, and email impersonation (UK Cyber-Attacks, 2019). So far in 2019, malicious hackers in the U. S. have stolen more than 5.90 million records, credit card information, names, passwords, and addresses (US Cyber-Attacks, 2019). Suspected hackers recently leaked confidential information on 364 million Chinese citizens online, including user names, photographs, addresses, and identity card numbers (China Attacks, 2019). The measurement of area & collaborations focusing on e-government growth have increased dramatically, and the UN (RC) has played a key role in initiating or organising many of these activities. Many developing countries are dedicating a large portion of their money to e-government efforts around the world. Particularly in developing countries' places in the rural. Face as well as their hierarchical relationships. A thorough literature search and a survey of experts and CSC owners yielded a list of 15 problems (Sharma et al., 2021). AI is quickly gaining traction in a variety of disciplines, including e-government. AI, on the other hand, poses several problems and ethical considerations. This article traces the development of AI in business research over time, covering significant publications and leading publishing outlets. It discusses numerous major developmental patterns as well as the issues they provide. The field was created on the premise that can be precisely specified to the point that a machine may be simulated (Alqudah & Muradkhanli, 2021), (Herawati et al., n.d.). There is debate regarding what intelligence, and what forms of intelligence, human intelligence possesses, as well as how to imitate it. Artificial intelligence is a highly specialised field of study figure 1 concept of e-government.

Figure 1.

Concept of e-government (Meiyanti et al., 2018)


The main purpose of this chapter is to focus more on security issues challenges and provide precautionary measures. The following are some points:

  • 1.

    Evaluate e-government uncertainties in light of potential security threats

  • 2.

    Evaluate the security and privacy challenges which affect e-government

  • 3.

    Make an effort to provide potential preventative approaches

  • 4.

    To provide strategies for IT specialists and e-governance

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