E-Commerce in the EU: The Role of Common Standards and Regulations

E-Commerce in the EU: The Role of Common Standards and Regulations

Marta Orviska, Jan Hunady
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2181-6.ch009
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E-commerce has several advantages for customers and improves firm productivity. The research aims to examine factors determining the usage of e-commerce within the EU with the focus on problems related to standards. This includes especially a lack of interoperability and labelling problems. Firstly, the authors found rising popularity of online purchases in recent years. Despite the increase, Visegrad countries are still lagging behind the EU average. A similar increase is also evident in e-commerce engagement as well as in turnover from e-commerce. Furthermore, they also estimated logit regressions to find factors affecting the probability of firm engagement in e-commerce. Interoperability problems, when selling online, are more frequently reported by wholesale firms as well as those in the information and communication sector. The majority of firms in our sample stated that common rules of e-commerce within the EU could be beneficial. This is particularly important for those reporting problems with interoperability and different labelling.
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Literature Review

E-commerce contains all types of electronic transactions, which could be either on the buy-side or the sell-side (Chaffery, 2007). E-commerce has attracted substantial interest from economists because it has been predicted to be a new driver of economic growth especially for developing countries (Zaied, 2012) and it has the potential to improve efficiency and productivity (Lawrence and Tar, 2010). E-commerce has become one of the preferred ways of shopping due to its easiness and convenience and it has the potential to enhance organizational performance to gain sustainable competitive advantage (Kasemsap, 2018). According to Kurnia et al. (2015) e-commerce can foster the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developed as well as developing countries.

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