The Dynamic of a Living Lecture in Career and Technical Education

The Dynamic of a Living Lecture in Career and Technical Education

John A. Henschke
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-739-3.ch051
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This chapter introduces the lecture as a long standard learning technique. The background is provided with the extensive value and scope, including the elements of good lectures. Weakness of the lecture centers around its being overused and/or misused. Strengths of the lecture include its familiarity, well accepted, and provides much information in a short period of time. A theoretical context is provided for maximizing the benefit of a lecture, which includes: guiding questions for use; a foundational learning theory; stressing engagement and interaction as integral; and, a large group theory to heighten engagement and interaction. Actually coupling listening teams (clarification, rebuttal, elaboration, application) with the lecture will make the lecture dynamic and vibrant. Fifteen additional groupings with varying purposes may be used to enhance the lecture with further engagement and interaction. Future trends will see stronger emphasis on including other supportive learning techniques in conjunction with the lecture to enhance its value and benefit.
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Lectures go way back in history as a means to deliver volumes of information, but the results have been questionable as to how much of that information is retained and internalized. It has had some very important aspects as to its scope and value. Knowles (1950) indicates that a good lecture has the following characteristics. It is well organized, with ideas developed in logical sequence. When a generalization is made, an illustration drawn from familiar experiences of participants is included. The sequence starts with simpler materials and moves to the increasingly complex. Present material is to be related to past and future material. Main points are listed, enlarged upon in turn, and next are reviewed. At the end, the main points and ideas are summarized and it is completed with a summary including conclusions being drawn.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Interactive: Mutual or reciprocal action or influence upon each other.

Pedant: One who makes a display of learning by unduly emphasizing minutiae.

Andragogy: The art and science of helping adults (humans) learn.

Passive: Characterized by a state of inactivity, not readily responding.

Active: Energetic, lively, brisk.

Dynamic: Forceful, powerful, energetic.

Lecture: A formal discourse delivered on any subject, intended for instruction.

Engagement: The state of fitting and working together of parts, so that motion of one produces motion of another.

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